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Jan 5, 2013
Reaction score
Please leave your tasting notes and feedback here:
Ticket number and any other label info is to be included to help nail the culprit!!! ;)
Mods can this be stickied please?
8W is chilling as we speak to be enjoyed probably tomorrow night once it's had a rest poor thing. But initial appearance is good. Nice and clear with a light golden colour. Looks very tempting in the current heat. :thumb: Taste feedback to follow.
Review of 10W.

I received my bottle of wine this morning. Came extremely well packed in a cardboard tube with packing peanuts. The only thing wrong is the coke bottle had the name Ryan on, my name is Steve :lol:

The wine was chilled down in the fridge straight away, and I opened it while lighting the BBQ this evening. I had a note with the bottle saying it was a WOW style wine (I mostly make them myself and personally I absolutely love them!), so that was good. The wine was very clear when I poured it into the glass, however, I found it quite dry and crisp. Personally I like medium-sweet wines so I added a bit of lemonade (I'm sorry, I know it's like blasphemy!). Even when I tried the wine without lemonade, it didn't have any harshness to it so I'm guessing it's been aged at least 2-3 months, and was a very fine tipple.

All in all, I'm extremely happy to have received a really nice wine, no harshness to it, great clarity and very very drinkable.
I'm going to take a guess and say it was a red grape juice and cranberry style WOW. I'm only guessing at that since made one myself (which I loved) which I think tasted very similar.

Many thanks to the person that sent it, I really enjoyed it! So much so, I had finished the whole bottle before the food had even cooked on the BBQ! You should be proud of that wine! :cheers:
stevie1556 said:
Review of 10W.

I received my bottle of wine this morning. Came extremely well packed in a cardboard tube with packing peanuts. The only thing wrong is the coke bottle had the name Ryan on, my name is Steve :lol:

The wine was chilled down in the fridge straight away, and I opened it while lighting the BBQ this evening. I had a note with the bottle saying it was a WOW style wine (I mostly make them myself and personally I absolutely love them!), so that was good. The wine was very clear when I poured it into the glass, however, I found it quite dry and crisp. Personally I like medium-sweet wines so I added a bit of lemonade (I'm sorry, I know it's like blasphemy!). Even when I tried the wine without lemonade, it didn't have any harshness to it so I'm guessing it's been aged at least 2-3 months, and was a very fine tipple.

All in all, I'm extremely happy to have received a really nice wine, no harshness to it, great clarity and very very drinkable.
I'm going to take a guess and say it was a red grape juice and cranberry style WOW. I'm only guessing at that since made one myself (which I loved) which I think tasted very similar.

Many thanks to the person that sent it, I really enjoyed it! So much so, I had finished the whole bottle before the food had even cooked on the BBQ! You should be proud of that wine! :cheers:

This would be my wine :thumb:

Thanks for the very kind review. It is a Merlot, Apple and Blackberry WOW Style Wine. The gravity for this sits at 0.992 but I like my wines drye but I understand that not everyone does so i will forgive you for adding lemonade :lol: It was bottled on the 10th April so has been maturing for 3 months.

I have to say I was very pleased with this one, I do think the merlot grape juice adds more flavour compared to the bog standard RGJ and for me is worth the extra price.

Thanks again Steve for the kind review, I will make sure next time that it is your name on the coke bottle though :lol: :lol:
alanywiseman said:
This would be my wine :thumb:

Thanks for the very kind review. It is a Merlot, Apple and Blackberry WOW Style Wine. The gravity for this sits at 0.992 but I like my wines drye but I understand that not everyone does so i will forgive you for adding lemonade :lol: It was bottled on the 10th April so has been maturing for 3 months.

I have to say I was very pleased with this one, I do think the merlot grape juice adds more flavour compared to the bog standard RGJ and for me is worth the extra price.

Thanks again Steve for the kind review, I will make sure next time that it is your name on the coke bottle though :lol: :lol:

I'll be honest, I was expecting to recieve a dry wine so already had chilled lemonade ready to go! I never thought of trying Merlot juice, where do you get it from? Thinking about using some in a cherry wine and comparing them side by side. Honestly great wine though, thoroughly enjoyed it, but I was quite tipsy by the time my dinner had cooked! Was it around the 12% mark?
According to my notes it sits at just under 12% :thumb: Glad you enjoyed it.

I got the juice from Waitrose. As a juice it is very nice compared to RGJ. More body and a fuller flavour and I think that is passed onto the wine as well. According to my notes i did not add the glycerine present in the Original WOW.
I picked up 7W from the post office at lunch time. He's been delivered safely (i'll be keeping the inflatable cradle for reuse!! ;) ) and first impression is lovely and clear. The chances are the sampling will take place tomorrow since i've got a long drive in the morning :cry: . Things might change; my willpower is famously poor ;) .
3W arrived safe and sound on Monday :D - Will perhaps sample next week

I will be posting mine out tomorrow.. Hope mine gets delivered safely!! :|
9W was opened tonight. Looked crystal clear in the bottle so was very excited. It is is a similar colour to a strawberry wine.

The haze is condensation on the glass. It smells of bitter orange and with a hint of strawberry.

With the first sip I was hit with a marmaladey orange taste followed by strawberry. It then finished nice and dry making you want to go back for more again and again. This is a fantastic wine and would love the recipe if the brewer is willing (fingers crossed).

For me an interesting thing to note is the balance in this wine. It is now clear to me that my wines are lacking acidity making them bland in comparison to this one.

Very well done to the brewer. I am now off to enjoy the rest of the bottle ;)

Edit: upon further drinking there are tropical notes to this wine as well like pineapple. What a great wine!!!
9W was my wine and is a bit of a concoction. Glad you liked it Alan. SWMBO has already drunk the rest of it. :lol: It was a 25lt batch made with a variety of juices. I generally always adjust ph to get below 3.5 with tartaric acid. In this case it was 3.4. I have also recently taken to adding zest and this one had 4 grapefruits zested and the juice added. Fermented for 30 days using youngs bordeaux red yeast.

Here are my notes: Apologies for the look but they are in a table and the forum doesn't like tables. :roll: :whistle: But if you pm me your email I can send it looking how it should. :thumb:
Started: 6/4/13 SG: 1.086
Stabilised: 6/5/13 FG: .994
Recipe Volume 25lt
Ingredient Unit Sugar Qty Total
Grape Juice
1 Aldi White Grape Juice lt 151 4 604
2 Aldi Red Grape Juice lt 160 1 160

1 .. .. 0 0
2 .. .. 0 0

Fruit Juice
1 Aldi Pineapple lt 131 1 131
2 Aldi Apple Juice lt 104 2 208
3 Asda Grapefruit lt 89 1.5 133.5
4 Asda Mango lt 122 1 122
5 Cranberry Juice lt 134 1 134

Dried Fruit/Flowers
1 Zest 1 0 4 0
2 .. .. 0 0
3 .. .. 0 0

1 Granulated Kg 1000 4 4000

Red Bordeaux Total Sugar 5492.5
SG 1.086 Sugar per Lt 219.7
PH 3.4
Zest & Juice 4 Gfruit
5 Tanin
5 Pectolase
4 Nutrient
Feedback on 8W

White Wine – Served chilled.
Looks: Clear wine with a pale straw colour. Very nice appearance
Bouquet: Hint of pineapple or tropical. Very pleasant.
Taste: Dry with a slight woody taste, not unpleasant. After the first mouthful I wanted more.
This is a very nice wine and both myself and SWMBO enjoyed it. Shame the sender only sent a 500ml bottle as we both wanted more. :grin: Very well done to whoever made this. :clap: :clap: I would like the recipe if the maker would like to post it. THANKS. A very nice surprise wine. I tested the ph at 3.4 and SG at .996, (just for interest sake) :whistle: . Good readings. The wine clung to the glass so I would guess at around 12% ABV. Please let me know how you made this. :thumb:
Hi Bob, thanks for the kind feedback about my wine, 8W. I'm new to wine making so it's encouraging that you didn't feel the need to pour it away :thumb:

The wine was only my third attempt and i followed standard WOW practices pretty much to the letter.

1L White Grape Juice
1L Lidl Tropical Fruit Juice
800G Sugar
1 Mug Strong Tea
1tsp Glycerine
1tsp Pectolase
1 tsp yeast nutrient
1 tsp yeast

I used potassium sorbate and a campden tablet to finish off the yeast before it became dry as a bone. I then used bentonite to fine it (which took ages, i seem to be finding this with every wine i've made that contains even the tiniest amount of pineapple!! :) ). I started it on 13th April and it's been bottled for about 2 months.

I'm sorry i only sent you 500ml, it was the only plastic bottle i had to hand :) . Hopefully once the next wineswap comes around i'll be able to send you something more interesting, i'm gradually getting more confident with experimentation, and i promise a larger quantity :tongue:
2W - Cherry and Cranberry juice drink 5.4%

I was initially disappointed to have received this in the wine swap but having tasted it, it is surprisingly good.
A little sweet for my taste but I can see this be VERY popular at a BBQ.
You can easily think this would be thin and lacking in body but I thought it stood up really well.
Perfectly clear and if the recipe is available I would definitely put a batch of this on :D
ubewty said:
Hi Bob, thanks for the kind feedback about my wine, 8W. I'm new to wine making so it's encouraging that you didn't feel the need to pour it away :thumb:

The wine was only my third attempt and i followed standard WOW practices pretty much to the letter.

1L White Grape Juice
1L Lidl Tropical Fruit Juice
800G Sugar
1 Mug Strong Tea
1tsp Glycerine
1tsp Pectolase
1 tsp yeast nutrient
1 tsp yeast

I used potassium sorbate and a campden tablet to finish off the yeast before it became dry as a bone. I then used bentonite to fine it (which took ages, i seem to be finding this with every wine i've made that contains even the tiniest amount of pineapple!! :) ). I started it on 13th April and it's been bottled for about 2 months.

I'm sorry i only sent you 500ml, it was the only plastic bottle i had to hand :) . Hopefully once the next wineswap comes around i'll be able to send you something more interesting, i'm gradually getting more confident with experimentation, and i promise a larger quantity :tongue:

Your wine was really nice. What yeast did you use?
Hi Bob. I've been using Young's dried active yeast in all of my (non-kit) wine. I've been thinking about trying other types but i've not been sure what to go for or whether i'll be able to tell the difference! :)
7W Review:

Sorry about the delay in posting this review. If i'm honest the only thing we were sure about when testing (and 6 people were offered a taste over the course of the weekend!) was that we universally think it was delicious!! :clap:

The liquid was lovely and clear. The first thing that i thought was that it had a distinctly 'Porty' smell, almost fortified. Then upon tasting i found it to be dry (in a very good way) with a very fruity berry flavour. Some people thought there were blackberries involved but we weren't able to get a reasonable consensus :)

I'm new to wine making and i hope that, given time, i will be able to produce drinks that taste as good as this! If you wouldn't mind posting the recipe i'll definitely get some on the go ASAP!

Thank you for sharing this with me, it livened up my weekend and showed me what is possible :D
3W Review! - Merlot 2012

I received this wine last weekend but decided to leave it to rest a little before trying it. Before trying it I decided to chill it slightly as I didn't want it too warm due to the recent hot weather (personal preference sorry).

First of all this wine has a fantastic colour, a nice dark berry red colour. On the nose the wine smelt quite fruity with hints of chocolate.

On the palate I found it a little tart at first, although was very smooth and fruity. After a few tastes I adjusted to the acidity and really enjoyed it! It tastes quite low in tannins, although this is how I like my reds, and made it a very easy drinking wine.

Here are a few pictures...

Well done to the brewer, it really is a fantastic red wine.. I would love the recipe/kit if your willing to share.


