Wine kit question

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Junior Member
Sep 29, 2016
Reaction score
Derby/Notts Border
I have been lurking for some time, taking in as much wine making knowledge as possible. I have come across several comments that red wine doesn't seem to have as much flavour/depth as commercial wines.
My question is:
Has anyone made a kit, and only used 80% of the suggested water? If so, has this made a difference, and is it possible, or will it cause other problems?
Please be gentle....
Kits vary greatly in quality - generally, the greater the volume of grape concentrate, the better.
In most cases, you do get what you pay for...
I often short brew wine kits, and they mostly turn out pretty well...
Brewing short is a fairly common practice to enhance the flavour of a kit wine. That said these days i only brew short on lower end kits like Cellar 7 and then only by a litre and they turn out consistently well.
Agreed 7.5l or less kit brew to 20-21l
10l+ brew to 23l
What I've always done and I've been happy with it
Yes what I've found in general is wine kits will ferment to a higher abv. And the beer kits I've done have finished with a higher fg which adds to the body