Wilko strawberry wine query

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Jan 5, 2014
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Hiya, I started my strawberry wine kit last night as my first foray into home brewing. it's sitting at about 23c- the instructions said 20-25c. It has started bubbling but at about once every 20 seconds. Is this about right?
Yep, sounds great. Don't top it up though until the initial woosh has finished. usually day 5.
I started off a Wilko Elderberry on Friday night and the same is also true - bubbling but very slowly.

Compare this to the WOW sat beside it that is going 100mph and I thought I may have had a dud kit.

I have put the Elderberry DJ in the airing cupboard and already the bubbles are speeding up - thing it just needs a kick up the bum !
You would be surprised how much a temperature drop of a couple of degrees makes to the time fermentation takes, my 30 bottle kit was bubbling very slowly and was off the scale of my stick on thermometer (minimum 18c) I have now wrapped it in double folded beach towel and its up to 18c and bubbling away nicely.
I'm currently brewing a strawberry kit from wilko's as my first foray into wine making, where it says top your dj up to 4.5ltr and leave for 7 days to ferment, mines just stopped after about 2 weeks. So don't worry about it still bubbling away after 7 days.
Bottled this yesterday, kinda forgot about it! Anyways it tasted lovely and I'm not a big wine drinker. Even nicer made into a spritzer with some lemonade! The strawberry flavour wasn't very strong, tasted more like a rose but lovely nonetheless. A bit potent though lol
I started a Cherry kit yesterday, i was a bit disappointed to find a flavour sachet. Is it just a Red kit with Cherry concentrate?
Yeah it's just a strawberry flavouring sachet that you add in after fermentation.
OldPeculier said:
Now you know what you are doing, get yourself a good quality kit like a Beaverdale. :)

I wouldn't go as far as to say I know what I'm doing lol! Making a turbo cider just now....let's say I overfilled the demijohn a tad... :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:
Elburnzo said:
OldPeculier said:
Now you know what you are doing, get yourself a good quality kit like a Beaverdale. :)

I wouldn't go as far as to say I know what I'm doing lol! Making a turbo cider just now....let's say I overfilled the demijohn a tad... :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:

