Wilko Golden Ale 2 can kit + brew enhancer or not?

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Active Member
Feb 13, 2013
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Just popped down to local Wilko's on my lunch to buy Wilko Golden Ale 2 can kit and I was going to get 500g med spray malt to add (even though kit says don't add any sugar, I assume this would add extra body and a bit more abv?) Anyways they don't have any spraymalt in this Wilko's so I bought 1kg brew enhancer instead. Shall I add 500g brew enhancer instead or just leave out any additional sugar?
I would leave out the extras.
The 2 can kits are great as they are (mostly) so the only thing i would maybe add would be some hopps by dry hopping, just MO.

I have only done 2 can kits apart from the BB one and havn't had a bad one just the right amount of body to bitterness.

Cheers Andy, might leave it out then and get some hops for dry hopping instead. I dont know much about hops, what would go well with this ale? Fuggles, Goldings or something else you would recommend?
That i can't answer im afraid as i have as much of an idea about hops as certain food manufacturers do about Beef :lol:
I know i like Cascade as i like the Thwaits Tripple "C" but thats as far as i go. :oops:
Cheers Joey, useful topic that. I think I will order some hops and split wort into 2 separate fv, one with added hops other without to see the difference dry hopping makes to the final brew.
Hi Hainsey,
I have done this kit and be careful of adding extra hops as i brewed it slightly short and it came out very hoppy.
I have started another off tonight with nothing added.

Brewing : Wilco Golden ale & cerveza.
Conditioning : Woodfordes Sundew [ which tastes infected & sour as might have to go down the drain]
Drinking : Wilco newkie brown & last bottle of wherry.