Wilko dark velvet

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Sep 18, 2012
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Hi all just bought a dark velvet kit with brew sugar from wilko for a tenner (bargain if you ask me). It's says abv 4% however I'm gonna short brew it to 20l to spice it up a bit and I thought I would add some flavour by using a bit of molasses, I have read on here that ppl use this for dark stout. Should I substitute some of the brewing sugar for molasses or should I add a bit on top of the 1kg to help bump up the abv. Only done 2 kits and a wow so looking to experiment and any advice on this would be great guys.

I did a coopers original stout with 500g dark dry malt extract, a jar of golden syrup and a tin of black treacle (no other sugars), and it came out brilliantly.

I've only had good comments regarding it, and even normally non-stout drinkers are saying how nice it is...
RobWalker said:
Sub some sugar out. too much sugar makes for a bad brew...try 600g sugar/400g molasses

Yeah, I did a coopers stout with 500g DME, a tin of black treacle and 1kg of brown sugar ..... Not that good unfortunately, too many fermentables can be a bad thing !
fbsf said:
I did a coopers original stout with 500g dark dry malt extract, a jar of golden syrup and a tin of black treacle (no other sugars), and it came out brilliantly.

I've only had good comments regarding it, and even normally non-stout drinkers are saying how nice it is...
This sounds lovely. Next Coopers stout i make will be the same recipe. Any idea how strong it was? Was it not too thin with all those sugars?
Didn't seem to be, no. I worked out that it was somewhere around 5.1%, but I think that the combo of the DME and using just the syrups and no additional sugars meant it kept a reasonable amount of mouthfeel. It wasn't as smooth in texture as a guinness draft, but was comparable with the bottled. Taste wise, I preferred it - plenty of depth of flavour without being overly bitter.

I also brewed it short to 21L instead of 23 which may of helped.

Another advantage is that the combo came out at roughly the same price as a kilo of beerkit enhancer...