Why I don't climb mountains

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:shock: :shock: Blimey that's one hell of a rapid descent
Notice the first thing he did when he stopped was check his helmet cam..... I think I would be worrying about other things at that point than whether the camera was still there.
bobsbeer said:
Notice the first thing he did when he stopped was check his helmet cam

And the first thing he actually did was try to swat a lump of ice instead of tucking in tight and letting it go by... not to mention the p**s poor (non existent!) attempts to self arrest...

I'm afraid that calling the chap a "mountaineer" in the blurb on the video is somewhat overstating his skills.
two ice axes and never managed to self arrest straight away??? Poor show that man (well, apart from the great video show :lol: )
Exact a Mundo Mike. Was thinking the same.

When I started going to the hills in the winter I did a skills course before going out and practiced this loads. Easy if you know how.


Ps : this is me


Don't know about a helmet, hope he had strong under pants on :rofl:
Looking at it again I'm wondering if he wasn't doing this intentionally. I agree very poor attempt to arrest himself. Although I did see one axe disappear so clearly wasn't holding that one. Not sure I wouldn't have been using a rope on that incline, unless he was solo, which is crackers IMHO. Just puts others in danger going up to rescue him.
If it was intentional, I've never climbed some would never know, then he must be the most stupid climber going.
dennisking said:
If it was intentional, I've never climbed some would never know, then he must be the most stupid climber going.

Doesn't seem intentional but he made a lot of simple and stupid mistakes.
Dont climb,,,,Brew and drink beer....

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, Honey Bochard :drink: :drunk:
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