Who will be the next PM? [Poll]

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Which one do you think will win.

  • Penny Mordaunt

  • Tom Tugendhat

  • Liz Truss

  • Jeremy Hunt

  • Nadhim Zahawi

  • Sajid Javid

  • Steve Baker

  • Suella Braverman

  • Kemi Badenoch

  • Rishi Sunak

  • Grant Shapps

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Wonder why Sunak has chucked his name in the mix, he got fined along with Johnson which is one of the reasons Johnson went?
Maybe he just needs the money.
The poll is showing a jump from 7% on June 26 to 10% July 7 i assume the gap will be bigger when they update it.

I expect at least a 5% swing back to the Tories when they have a new leader. Just because "it's not Boris"
Austin Fisher

New Education Minister, gives a middle finger salute to members of the public outside Downing Street.
If there is one image that captures everything that is wrong with this Government- it’s this.


BBC News.​

Transport Secretary Grant Shapps has announced he is standing for the Conservative Party leadership.
Mr Shapps told the Sunday Times he planned to end a period of "tactical government by an often distracted centre".
It comes as Defence Secretary Ben Wallace, one of the bookies' favourites for the role has said he will not run.
In a statement on Twitter, he said his focus is on his current job and "keeping this great country safe".
Grant Shapps added to poll.

I have changed the poll option to "allow members to change their vote"

Hearing vastly wealthy men like Sunak, Javid and Zahawi playing up their poor immigrant background somehow puts me in mind of Monty Python's Four Yorkshiremen sketch

Every single one of the Tory candidates will try to pretend they represent change from the rancid Johnson era. They were part of austerity. They were part of the Brexit lies. They helped prop up a crook. Do not fall for it. And do not let the client journalists rewrite history
I think that Grant Shapps, Sebastian Fox, Corinne Stockheath and Michael Green should be the next Conservative leader. The Country could get 4 times the person in one.

My slogan for the next GE is ABC

Anyone But Conservatives.
Grant Shapps, he is the guy who spends billions on smart all running motorways that are death traps and on top of that 40 ton artics can use the first 3 lanes yep 3 abreast for mile after mile trying to over take each other totally defeats the object, yes folks these are the fucktards who run our lives you couldn't make it up clapa clapa clapa clapa clapa
… 40 ton artics can use the first 3 lanes yep 3 abreast for mile after mile trying to over take each other totally defeats the object …..
Me, one of the most impatient drivers you would ever meet, sits back and smiles after reading just two words that put the above into perspective!

I just look at the two or three lorries blocking my way, think “Elephant Racing” and smile!

It works every time!
Wes Streeting MP
Sajid Javid regularly attacked me and Labour for opposing the increase in National Insurance.
Now he’s on TV telling us that he opposes the rise in National Insurance, too.
The Conservatives are showing that they are unfit to govern.
It’s time for a fresh start with Labour.


A newly-appointed minister has repeated claims made against Labour's Angela Rayner that she "opened her legs" to distract Boris Johnson in the Commons.


A newspaper article in April quoted Tory MPs who said the deputy leader tried to put Mr Johnson off.
Lia Nici repeated the claims, which Mr Johnson previously called "sexist, misogynistic tripe", during a BBC interview that aired on Sunday.
Ms Rayner said Ms Nici "should be ashamed of herself".
The BBC has contacted the Conservative Party for a response.
Grimsby MP Lia Nici made the comments during an interview on the BBC Politics North programme following her appointment as Levelling Up minister.
In a discussion with Labour Bradford West MP Naz Shah, Ms Nici said: "Let's just be honest here. We talk about honesty and integrity.
"The deputy shadow leader decided it would be amusing to open her legs in the chamber and then brag to everybody that actually it was male members of the opposite party who had been looking at her and she was drinking on the terrace and laughing about it."

In response, Ms Shah described the minister's comments as "absolutely disgraceful".
"I don't know what's more disappointing Lia," Ms Shah said.
"Listening to a fellow woman talk about another woman opening her legs in Parliament using that kind of misogynistic language, or the whataboutery to actually try and take it away from the failure of this government not just now, but for the last 12 years of austerity."
The original claims were made in a Mail on Sunday article earlier this year when an unnamed Tory MP made the allegation that Ms Rayner tried to distract Mr Johnson in Parliament by crossing and uncrossing her legs.
Ms Rayner dismissed that story as a "perverted smear" that showed women in politics faced misogyny every day.
In response, Mr Johnson threatened to unleash "the terrors of the earth" on the source behind the comments if they were ever identified.
The prime minister told reporters at the time it was "hard to say" if there was a cultural problem in Parliament, but described the story about Ms Rayner as "the most appalling load of sexist, misogynist tripe".

In her tweet following the programme's broadcast, Ms Rayner thanked her fellow Labour MP for "calling Lia Nici out on this".
"Boris Johnson promised to unleash 'the terrors of the earth' on the Tory MPs spreading these vile smears. Instead he promoted them to ministerial office," she tweeted.
"They really are unfit to govern."

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