White Labs WLP380

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Mar 3, 2015
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Morning ladies and gents,

I made a batch of Hefeweizen last night, and as I no chill I'll be pitching today. I'm using White Labs WLP380 Hefeweizen IV ale yeast. I've made a 15 litre batch, so just wondering how much of the yeast to use? Should I just bung it all in, or would it be best to leave some behind?

Any thoughts appreciated.
Cheers. That's what I syspected but it's the first time I've used liquid yeast so thought I'd better check. :thumb:
I did think about making a starter, but the packet said a starter is only necessary if the SG is over 1.070 or its past its use by date. And, as you say the extra should cover the shorter brew length.

All I need to figure out now is what's happened to my efficiency. I was aiming for an SG of 1.050 and I've only hit 1.040, which is just under 60% efficiency. I usually hit closer to 75%. :wha:
I recently pitched WLP300 (not WLP380) direct without a starter into a 23 litre brew and it took fine. It was about 5 weeks old and I made sure it was at room temp.

I took a jar full of yeast and wort at day 3 to keep for a dunkelweisen I'll be making in a couple of months.

You could make a starter, but to me it's more effort. The only reason I would make one is if the yeast is more than a few months old or if it's one my own and it's been at the back of the fridge for several months
Thanks for the responses guys.

I pitched straight in at about 3pm on Saturday (warmed to room temp first) and when I got home at 12:30 it had a good Krausen and was bubbling like mad! As its been quite warm the temp did start to creep up so I stuck a wet t-shirt over the FV to keep it cool.

OG came out at 1040 so should still get somewhere close to 4% which I can live with.

I'll be harvesting the yeast from this one which I've never done before so no doubt I'll have numerous questions about that in a couple of weeks time. :)
Once the krausen turns from foam to thick yeast (and looks like a souffle), which should happen after about 3 days, I sanitise a jar and serving spoon and put ten or so spoonfuls of yeast and wort into the jar.

I then put the lid on loosely and let it ferment out for a couple of days. Following that I screw the lid on and store in the fridge.

This yeast is very viable and will keep in the fridge for many months. The method also keeps the yeast strain more consistent.

Alternatively you can take some if the yeast and trub from the bottom of the FV after you've racked the beer off and store this in a jar. There is more trub in this than the method above, so you'll need to harvest more, but it will give you just as good beer for a couple of goes
Morning ladies and gents,

I made a batch of Hefeweizen last night, and as I no chill I'll be pitching today. I'm using White Labs WLP380 Hefeweizen IV ale yeast. I've made a 15 litre batch, so just wondering how much of the yeast to use? Should I just bung it all in, or would it be best to leave some behind?

Any thoughts appreciated.

Just got myself a vial of this yeast. How did your beer turn out? Do you still have the recipe?