Thanks for sharing, a lot of the recipes read very similar which makes it a tricky book to parse out just by reading. As you say, there's not many OGs below 1.060, I wonder if back then the FGs were a lot higher than we get, that rings a bell from what I've read on Ron Pattinson's blog, and the DP book only lists OG and nothing else.I've made the Simonds bitter (#7) several times, and like it. I also made Mild Beer 1836 (#6) Rigden, Faversham and a High Gravity mild 1844,(#29) Tamar. These two were just OK. I have several others page marked but haven't gotten around to actually making them. There are quite a few recipes in the book that have rather high OG. I'm not into high octane; I like to be able to enjoy a few glasses!
@Slid Thanks for sharing, I've still been meaning to do a partigyle sometime, I can speed it up a bit by boiling the smaller batch in my sparge heater but then I need to work out how to cool that without blocking things. I figure my best bet is to get the smaller beer boiling first so that once it's chilled I can just drain the strong beer into the GF and use it's filter and chiller.