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Active Member
Nov 25, 2012
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hi..can any one tell me if the temp is to high .ive got it in the airingcupboard and its 22c . :cheers:
hi its been fermenting for 15 days now ,sp was 1040 down to 1005. ... it is not clear and there is loades of bubbles on top. I moved it out of the airing cupboard , 5 days ago and put it in the kichen.

To get it ready for bottling Did upset it but would have thougt it was settled by now Any advice :cheers:
Check your hydrometer 3 days in a row. If the gravity is unchanged, then it's ready for bottling. Wherry should finish around the 1.014 to 1.012 mark, so any lower than this is pretty good.
Is it half a tea spoon of sugar in 500ml glass bottles :?:

Ive also got some magners bottles will that be the same :?:

And how much room should i leave in the neck of the bottle :?:

Not got a little bottler got to siphon it .

seanymc said:
Is it half a tea spoon of sugar in 500ml glass bottles :?:

Ive also got some magners bottles will that be the same :?:

And how much room should i leave in the neck of the bottle :?:

Not got a little bottler got to siphon it .

1/2 teaspoon per bottle, magners bottles are 586ml, but you wouldn't need extra sugar.

If you use a bottling stick, fill to the brim. As you remove the stick, the beer level drops to give the correct head space. Otherwise, leave about 4cm.
hi, Can i put my bottles in the airing cupboard , :?: and how long for. ( temp about 22c)


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