Where do you get your bottles?

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I had to get a brew bottled today, and went through my collected stash of bottles to find that 10 were of the type that my crown capper wouldn't cap. o off I went to the local recycling bins, and promptly swapped them for 10 that it could cap.

I don't know if that is technically theft, after all, the recycling bods get exactly the same weight of glass in exchange, but I'm not going to let it trouble me.
didnt know that being a noob my plan is dark storage in the loft so it should be ok unless i forget to turn the light off
are brown bottles easy to see if your beer has cleared or do you have to pour a bit and hope for the best
Storing in the loft might be ok at this time of year, but you ought to find somewhere cooler and with a more stable temperature if we get a Summer this year.

Some brown bottles are darker than others, but you can usually see the sediment creeping towards the neck and stop in time if you pour slowly and steadily, holding the bottle over a white sheet of paper, tea towel etc.

Having said that, the sediment won't harm you, and some people deliberately stir it up.
jjsh said:
I had to get a brew bottled today, and went through my collected stash of bottles to find that 10 were of the type that my crown capper wouldn't cap. o off I went to the local recycling bins, and promptly swapped them for 10 that it could cap.

I don't know if that is technically theft, after all, the recycling bods get exactly the same weight of glass in exchange, but I'm not going to let it trouble me.

seems like a totally fair swap to me :thumb: - and I don't think it'd be seen as theft if you're recycling the bottles yourself :hmm:

In fact I bet if you went to your local recycling centre and simply asked if you could pick up anything you could use for your homebrewing, most would happily help you and some might even offer to keep an eye out for stuff for you :thumb: