When too bottle/keg?

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Dec 12, 2012
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My youngs bitter has been in for 8 days now and tbh looks like it is ready for kegging...although the reading is saying around 1.010 is it ok to keg now or do i wait a it a longer.. ive tested it 2 days ago and had the same reading then
It will be fine to bottle now but I'd normally wait 2 weeks to let the yeast clear up and drop out.
ok im going to put it into my keg i have...so i may leave it until tomorrow..ive never brewed beer before so do i just sterilse keg and siphon it in??
ok sorry to ask but how do i knwo how much priming sugar to use? and is this just normal granulated sugar?
You wanna be using about 80g for a 23L brew. And normal sugar is fine just dissolve in boiling water, allow to completely cool, then chuck it in your sanitised keg and syphon the beer into it!

Make sure your tap is tight on your keg. Last thing you want is leaks. I'd take it off and put Vaseline on the threads to help!

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