When to store wine on it's side.

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Oct 26, 2012
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Just started making wine (cantino red)- as I intend to cork, do I stand bottles upright for a week or so and then lay down. Also, do I seal bottles straight away or leave for a while.
I used to seal them straight away and lay them on their sides so as the corks don't dry out. :thumb:
Whenever I bottle wine, I cork them, and leave them to stand upright for a day or two, then I stick a shrink wrap on them and store them on their sides.

I seem to remember reading leaving them to stand upright after corking, will allow any gas to escape before sticking it on its side.

To date I have not really had any problems, other than when I first started wine making a few years ago. I used to bottle too early, this left me with cloudy wines and some of the corks used to start to bulge out of the bottles

Good luck
I've been sticking them on their sides in the rack straight away, but after reading the above I think i'll start giving them a couple of upright days first.
Bottles that havent finished fermenting, stored on their side, in a wine rack in the kitchen will give quite a big area of coverage when they go off :eek: (my friend tells me!)
The idea of letting stand upright for a few days is to let the air you compress into the bottle from corking to escape. I read where it only works if it is a natural cork. Mike