When to bottle?

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Active Member
Mar 19, 2009
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OK, my brew has been fermenting for 4 days now, and the reading is 1.014. It started at 1.020. Ive read that alcohol weighs less than water, so it should be less than 1.000.

What number should it be at least when bottling? Does it have to be in the green on the hydrometer, or can it be in the yellow?

Also, would it harm my brew if I left it for an extra day or two after I think it has finished fermenting. I ask this cause I dont want it to go off.

Thanks again...
It should ferment out between 1008 and 1014. If the reading is the same for two days on the trot then it's ok to go. However, I'd leave it for a couple more days for the yeast to clear up after itself.
Is this the youngs you did not put all the sugar in?

If so then by my reconning it should have had an OG of 1034 the FG should still end at what it said on the tin (1008 or something like that) as there are unfermentable dextrins in the malt so it will never get to 1000 even though alcohol is lighter than water.

Bottling wise leave it in the fermenter until it has dropped clear, could take another week and then bottle it, with 1/2 tps per pint priming sugar, I just stick it in the bottle others do fancy things.

What temp was the wort when you measured the OG as 1020 is very low that would almost be no sugar added at all not 1kg. If you measured it at 54c then you would have had a 1020 reading as temperature effects the gravity of the wort
The temperature was about 25 degrees when I added the yeast and took the reading. Now its at a constant 21ish degrees. So it is OK to leave it in the fermenter / bucket for a day or two after I think its stopped, just to be sure?