When is a heart attack not a heart attack

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Will have to read it but a summary may be handy before I waste any time
It answers the question that if so many people are talking statins, why is cardiovascular disease on the increase.
Cholesterol is not what it seems.
Written by a cardiologist, and is an enjoyable read.
Just curious if anyone else has experienced this…

In the early hours of this morning I woke up feeling very hot and was consequently a bit sweaty. I then noticed as I came round that both my arms ached. I sat up wondering what might be wrong and felt faint, so much so that I had to lie down before I passed out. I felt very unwell but before I woke my wife the symptoms subsided. Like many men I suspect, because it didn’t kill me I went back to sleep.

I’d probably have done nothing about it if this morning I didn’t still feel light-headed and with weak heavy arms. I could also feel an occasional pain in my chest. I asked my wife to drop me off at A&E just round the corner so I could get it checked.

At A&E they took my blood pressure, temperature, and ECG. They took bloods, and I had a chest x-ray as well as the usual prodding, poking, and listening.

My blood pressure, normally 107/65 or thereabouts was 170/92 but everything else was normal. They checked my blood pressure, temperature, and ECG several times through the day and my blood pressure slowly came down. The usual blood indicator for having had a heart attack (troponin) I’m told was even low for normal so not a heart attack.

My family were of course concerned and somewhere in the chat we heard that my nephew had much the same experience just a couple of days ago except it was his neck and jaw that ached rather than his arms. He too had high blood pressure and no heart attack.

Very weird.

One small bonus was that I heard how everything is in very good condition including my liver - result!

I should just say as a footnote that other than this particular incident I am blessed with excellent health.
Great news that you got a clean bill, athumb.. you've not had a covid jab a day or so before?

It could be a bug that's going around?
It answers the question that if so many people are talking statins, why is cardiovascular disease on the increase.
Cholesterol is not what it seems.
Written by a cardiologist, and is an enjoyable read.
So what is the answer? Is he British?
So what is the answer? Is he British?
Yes he is British. Yes he does have worldwide support.

The conclusion? It's not a novel, you really need to read it.
It (and other research) has changed my views. Cholesterol (and then prescribing statins) is misunderstood and doesn't work.
They've been trying to make me take stations for at least 20 years but whenever I give them a try I end up getting horrific cramps in my legs hands and feet.
Strangely enough my cholesterol is at 6.6 while the Mrs is over 8 and the same doctors have never suggested she go on stations.
They've been trying to make me take stations for at least 20 years but whenever I give them a try I end up getting horrific cramps in my legs hands and feet.
Strangely enough my cholesterol is at 6.6 while the Mrs is over 8 and the same doctors have never suggested she go on stations.
Your NHS Wales is going to press statins.
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My vote is the coffee.

... And do your own research on cholesterol. It doesn't add up for me. I will not be reducing my cholesterol or medicating for it.

"the clot thickens" is a good read.
If it's the coffee it's more likely to be the crap and additives they bulk it out with. Always drink low to med roast quality coffee and you should be fine. Most coffee in the UK is so weak and low in caffeine content it's unlikely to be that.
And remember 'strong dark roasts' are lower in caffeine than mild roasts - over- roasting destroys both caffine and the flavours in a good coffee.
Am currently in Costa Rica where they know a bit about good coffee, and this is their coffee experts views too.
Yes he is British. Yes he does have worldwide support.

The conclusion? It's not a novel, you really need to read it.
It (and other research) has changed my views. Cholesterol (and then prescribing statins) is misunderstood and doesn't work.
Will have to get a copy. It was found that Mt body can't process cholesterol like it should, hence the build up. Statins and a reasonable diet is what is keeping me alive.

From my understanding its not a one rule fits all scenario though. What is high in the UK is extremely high in somewhere like Asia because of centuries of different diets.
Your retired so can't be work stress so must be brewing related stress....kegs are running low, when will I brew next, how expensive my hobby has become thanks to the Russian...😋