Whats the most Random wine you have made?

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Active Member
Oct 2, 2015
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I was looking through some wine recipes last night and got me thinking that you can pretty much use anything. In Hindsight, I could have saved the pumpkin flesh from Halloween and made some wine. Sainsburys also had loads of chillies in their reduced section and though that would be interesting.

Whats the most Random wine you have made?
I did a chilli and apple wine last year and that's really good, gives your throat a nice warm glow and I do a cider and red grape wine that usually only goes down to the 1.012 mark so a bit on the sweet side but definitely quaffable If that's a word :thumb:
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I havent made anything that I thought may not turn out drinkable but there have been some strange ones posted in the forum, the worst for me was tomato.
Carrot and left over hops - very dry

Stew pack wine - lots of reduced stew packs from Tesco for 12p carrot, Swede etc it autolysised (can't be a word) and turned out like champagne. Was very very nice.

Brown sugar, treacle, rasins and cloves. A Christmas smelling wine. But I won't drink it ;-)

Birch sap wine - tap a tree in Jan-Feb collect water and use in wine. I just added lemon to keep it simple. F'ing disgusting but some visitors like it 😷

Polish cordial by itself with sugar -named it polish prison pop.

Random veg wine done naturally. Just chuck mouldy and out of date stuff for pennies in a bucket and see what happens. No yeast added. This has worked a few times. Other times I've took the lid of the fv and said to myself. NO WAY!

however now I'm brewing kombucha which is just yeast and bacteria fermenting cold sweet tea!
Here is a picture of tomato wine. :sick:

In a week or two I'll be clearing out the freezer of all the half empty bags of frozen fruit my wife keeps buying to make bloody "smoothies". This is an annual event to make space for the Christmas food, and it will all get mashed up in the bin and brewed down to whatever volume it seems best to use.

Over the years this has resulted in extremes of flavour combinations... from lovely to downright rank, but last years she had obviously been on a forest fruits theme as there were loads of half empty bags of rapsberry, blackberry and even over a kilo of black currants... I think it was the job lot of blackcurrants that made the difference but those three fruit go VERY well together... God only knows what awaits me in there this year...
I forgot dandelion mead. Dandelion sauternes.

Oh and nettle wine. That's tastes errr....green
Sainsburys had loads of reduced fruit last night, but a nice find was a box of about 10 mangoes.

May make this up with Ginger, what do you think?
Grew far too many leeks last year, and was giving bags of them away to my colleagues at work. My boss jokingly suggested that I should make it into wine...

Guess what he's getting for Christmas!
Grew far too many leeks last year, and was giving bags of them away to my colleagues at work. My boss jokingly suggested that I should make it into wine...

Guess what he's getting for Christmas!

Hmmmm what's it smell or taste like? I'm presuming leeks 😁
I read somewhere of someone making a wine out of red bul. Or blue donkey or boost or whatever is the cheapest.

Seem to remember they said it gave you the urge to cough.

Ive been wondering what alcoholic Coca-Cola would taste like?
I have started some more sloe wine. This time made with sloes and dessert grapes which were reduced at sainsburys to 25p a punnet.

I'm considering adding Raspberry syrup, thoughts?
I've just bunged some maple syrup in a demi. Will report back when it's fermented out.

1 litre gave reading of 1.100 in 4 litres. Will top up after fermentation has slowed.
I've just bunged some maple syrup in a demi. Will report back when it's fermented out.

1 litre gave reading of 1.100 in 4 litres. Will top up after fermentation has slowed.
Sounds interesting, how much maple syrup did you need?
In a week or two I'll be clearing out the freezer of all the half empty bags of frozen fruit my wife keeps buying to make bloody "smoothies". This is an annual event to make space for the Christmas food, and it will all get mashed up in the bin and brewed down to whatever volume it seems best to use.

Over the years this has resulted in extremes of flavour combinations... from lovely to downright rank, but last years she had obviously been on a forest fruits theme as there were loads of half empty bags of rapsberry, blackberry and even over a kilo of black currants... I think it was the job lot of blackcurrants that made the difference but those three fruit go VERY well together... God only knows what awaits me in there this year...

funny enough I have just got a kilo of mixed frozen berries and am hoping it will turn out well, currently have them soaking in water for a weekish then going to fire them in a DJ.