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Jun 6, 2011
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I made a 15l batch of ale which was put into the FV on 11th June. It fermented nicely over that time, with a nice light gold colour and a fairly sweet, malty finish. OG was just over 1.030. Around 5 days ago, I added 10g of hops to the FV for a little extra flavour.
However, the SG seemed to stop around the 1.017 mark and stayed there for over a week. Thinking that the yeasts may have stuck, I gently stirred the bottom with a paddle, taking care to not introduce too much oxygen to the surface. When I tested the beer a couple of days later, the colour had darkened slightly and it had taken on a much more bitter flavour, with the previous light hoppy flavour now gone.
Did I add the final dry hops too early or have I done something wrong in disturbing the sediment in the FV? :wha:
Your fermentation has stuck/stopped. If it is a kit/extract brew I'm not surprised as I've had similar high finishing gravities. I don't rate the tinned malt from my limited experience with it. If it was an all grain brew, possibly too high a mash temp giving higher proportion of unfermentable dextrin sugars. You could try adding yeast nutrients to get it down a couple of points. I would just bottle it and do another, it should be drinkable, just a little sweeter and lower in alcohol than expected. Don't know what yeast was used but many rate the abilities of 'Safale SO4' for high attenuations.

OG of 'just over 30' is pretty low to start with TBH, it's gonna be weak 1.7% ??. if its only down to 1.017 after 18 days, can't see it getting much further.

It got darker in colour because the light coloured yeast cells in suspension sank to the bottom leaving the darker beer visible.

Edit, I see from your other posts you went for all grain rather than extract? In that case, pay attention to the mashing temperature, ie. make it lower next time 'MALT' more alcohol lower temperature is a rule of thumb, and make sure you stir well before checking/adjusting it with cold liquor, minimum 62degrees C.
What seems odd is that it was a light colour to begin with (I specifically used pale malts) and it darkened after I gave the yeast a little stir. For future, is it worth having a small packet of yeast nutrient to hand to help restart any stuck fermentations?
Point taken on the mash temperature: I don't yet have a proper mashtun so am having to do anything manually on the stove. We'll be doing a big equipment shop in a couple of weeks when holidays are paid for.
Hi Paul,
Never used yeast nutrient myself, some yeasts are more voracious than others and Nottingham or SO4 appear to be the most. Learnt the mash temperature bit the hard way myself after using a dubious thermometer that was reading 2.5 degrees too low. Have a look at this thread.
Mash Temperature too high
Think that's where you should concentrate your attention first IMHO. Keep at it, your just getting to know your kit. :thumb: . A modified coolbox, of which there are 'how to's' on conversion is the generally accepted standard for starting out all grain. I'm an advocate of the braided stainless steel strainer technique as opposed to, hacksaw slitted pipes, having used both. look at thread in my signature.
Thanks PJ, I'll try Safale S04 or S05 yeast for my next batch, along with a coolbox mashtun (I found a superb "how to" a couple of weeks ago which should save me a tidy sum). I'm just a bit baffled/suspicious that the beer was going fine UNTIL I disturbed the sediment at the bottom of the FV: could this have introduced any unwanted anaerobic nasties into it?
WelshPaul said:
I'm just a bit baffled/suspicious that the beer was going fine UNTIL I disturbed the sediment at the bottom of the FV: could this have introduced any unwanted anaerobic nasties into it?

I shouldn't think so but understand your concern. At this stage you doubt yourself with anything you do out of the ordinary as it becomes a process of elimination. The forum is here to help though :thumb: You'd know about it by now if it was an infection. The taste usually makes that obvious.
as an aside, To save you another of my own long term cock-ups, if it tastes like TCP I'd be almost certain the problem is contamination with chlorine from your sanitising. Its a bitch to rinse off properly so now I only use non chlorine based ones.
Yeah, we were very careful with removing Chlorine/Chloramine and in rinsing off the sanitiser before brewing. If the taste had been off from the beginning then I wouldn't be as puzzled: it's literally changed entirely in the last 48 hours. :(

Anyway, live and learn. I'll be trying another batch pretty soon, hopefully with better results!
WelshPaul said:
Thanks PJ, I'll try Safale S04 or S05 yeast for my next batch, along with a coolbox mashtun (I found a superb "how to" a couple of weeks ago which should save me a tidy sum). I'm just a bit baffled/suspicious that the beer was going fine UNTIL I disturbed the sediment at the bottom of the FV: could this have introduced any unwanted anaerobic nasties into it?

Asda has coolboxes for £6 atm. You just need to find a good way to insulate the lid as it's a bit crap the way it comes from the shop :)

Good luck :thumb:
Oooh, did you notice what size they were? I have my eye on a 42l one from Argos but if Asda has them on the cheap...
WelshPaul said:
Oooh, did you notice what size they were? I have my eye on a 42l one from Argos but if Asda has them on the cheap...

Probably not 42L :-D Looks like it's only 24L actually according to their site. Says £8 on the site, but they're £6 in the store near me.

pjbiker said:
StubbsPKS said:
You just need to find a good way to insulate the lid as it's a bit crap the way it comes from the shop :)

Aerosol expanding foam. Theres a hilarious youtube video of how (or how not) to do it.

Ed & Bri's Coolbox Mash tun

The lid is single skin though, so you can't break them apart and do it :( There is a thread on this forum where someone fixed the issue though (can't find it :()