Whats gone wrong with my recipe?

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Sep 4, 2009
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hi everyone, im new to homebrew and after the success of my first time making cider, i thought id experiment with something. i used the following ingredients:

cider making kit (just concentrated apple juice)
strawberry wine making kit (ingredients just said concentrated grape, strawberry and elderberry juices)
1kg of sugar
3 cartons of five alive juice to give it a bit more fruitiness

i followed the instructions to the letter but when i went to check on it after making up the mixture after about 5 hours, all the yeast if floating on the top of the liquid, is this normal? if it isnt normal whats gone wrong and how do i fix it? should i stir it again?

thanks for any help you can give!
Firstly, give the yeast time :thumb:
It can take a while to rehydrate the yeast and for it to get used to it's new enviroment ;)
Second, did you make it all up into one brew? and if so what volume?
Take a hydrometer reading and let us know the gravity :thumb:
i dont have a hydrometer unfortunately so cant tell you that. i made it all up in one fermentation bucket and it was 23 litres
It's quite normal for yeasts to take a few hours to get going, but you should certainly be seeing signs of activity by now. Anything doing?

Do you still have the empty cartons of the 5 alive juices?
Are they 100% juice or are they “juice drinks”, and is there any mention of preservatives in the ingredients listing?

BTW, a hydrometer should only be around £2.49 in Wilkinson's or your LHBS. Get one, they really aren't an optional extra.
eca06ljc said:
i followed the instructions to the letter but when i went to check on it after making up the mixture after about 5 hours, all the yeast if floating on the top of the liquid,

Have a look at my topic here on turbo cider. I was worried it wasn't doing anything. The guys on this forum will guide you in the right direction, just give the yeast time to wake up & it'll do it's thing. :thumb:

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