What yeast do I use for turbo cider

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Active Member
Apr 15, 2010
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Daft question I know but can I use ale yeast for cider or do I need cider yeast. Just going to whip up a quick TC and I have plenty of washed nottingham yeast. Will this do or do I need some cider yeast? I also have GP wine yeast.


I've never used ale yeast, but I have used GP wine yeast and it tasted good, it was better with cider yeast. I've also had a go using bread yeast and after a couple of months, that tasted pretty good too
i always tend to use GP yeast. Altho on the first TC i made i used the yeast from a Youngs bitter kit, and that turned out ok.
Im pretty sure that the original recipe for TC suggest using bakers yeast.