It's hard to understand the point Michael James is really trying to make in that long slightly garbled youtube comment. If he's saying that it's not possible to make lager or ale unless you employ decoction mashing then what to make of the many commercial breweries that don't, but nevertheless sell plenty of beer and win awards? BrewDog for example. It seems to me that he's learned about this complicated process, and that it's historically been used by some breweries ("common in German and Central European breweries" according to the Wikipedia article), equated that with "authentic" and is trying to apply it as a rule, as if it's a Reinheitsgebot kind of thing.
There may well be some in the big breweries who snootily refer to the product of micro or craft breweries, or, god forbid, home brewers, as "moonshine" but they're probably just defending their own wounded pride. It doesn't make their own beer any nicer.
Maybe I just hate people who are "happy dappy" but I stopped the video well before the end!
In France, Stella is cheap rubbish at the lower end of what goes on sale, so the advert that told UK drinkers that it was "reassuringly expensive." made me want to throw up.
Also, I cannot think of a single reason why anyone would want to make Stella!