What to do with my white and red grapes.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2010
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I've got about 5kg of small white and red grapes from the garden.
They are all about the size of a black currant,I've got absolutely no Idea what type they are but they taste slightly bitter but very sweet and are soft to the touch.
It would be a shame to let them go to waist any useful suggestions on what to do with them would be appreciated.

Cheers Graham.
depending where you are thier is the urban wine company that will turn it into wine for you.
or just have a go with them and see if you like the results. nothing wrong with learning that way .
stick them in a bucket and crush the life out of them - strain into a fermenting vessel and messure how much juice you get, around three litres I reckon. Next add a campden tablet and leave 24hours to get rid of any natural yeasts (unless you wish to ferment with this yeast)

Add some white grape juice to make around 4 and a half litres and take a gravity reading - it`ll be around 1050 to 1060 at a guess, you want it around 1090 so boil around 200mls of water and dissolve 400grams of sugar in this and cool. Mix the sugar syrup with the grape juices and check the gravity.

Then add wine yeast and nutrient and place in a DJ with a fermentation lock :thumb:
I was thinking of fermenting them on the must for three days making up to 5 gallons with supermarket juice,water and 4 kg of sugar up to a SG of about 1090.Weather I make 1 gallon of 5 I'm thinking using the must is quite important.

No sure what to do cheers Graham.
I agree, the must is important, for colour and tannin, i would leave it no longer than 5 days and go for the single gallon option, check the SG of the must ( uk grapes maybe 1050 ish) and adjust with a little sugar. The longer you leave the skins in the must the deeper the colour ...ie red. But dont over do it 7 days is max i think.

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