what to do with bad taste wine..

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Jul 12, 2009
Reaction score
Colchester, Essex
I have two gallons of red supermarket wines that dont taste too good, a bit weird, not off, just barely drinkable.

I dont like to ditch it! :D

Can anyone suggest anything i can do with these to make them a bit more palletable!?

If not i'll have to use them as 'already a bit ******' wines, by which point the taste is less important!! :thumb:
Turn them into Christmas pressies for people you don't really give a toss about but you HAVE to buy them a gift, then spend the money you would have spent on them on you instead. Simples :thumb:

You see the spirit of Christmas is alive and well!

Oh, and sorry for using the "C" word...

I'd mix it with some of the same supermarket grape juice you made it with, or some lemonade. Experiment! :D
What do they taste like?
I've got some red grape and purple grape juices on the go myself.
Would be curious to know what I am going to get.
I've given up on supermarket red grape juice, it doesn't seem to work as well as the white, doesn't have the body and tastes a bit insipid.

Give it a splash of lemonade or keep it as “already a bit pissed” wine :lol:
Tannin should go in at the start, it's not really something you can add as an afterthought.
Glycerine certainly might help.

Alternatively, make some Elderberry (which can be very heavy) and blend it with that.
Bit worried about my purple grape juice now as that's not even got any tea bag juices in it...

I've got a elderberry youngs kit on the go at the moment.
Might be worth an experiment then. Maybe mix all three together.... :wha:
They are quite strong, used one as an already ****** bottle last nite, i can confirm that **** wine after old peculiar and boddingtons gives you possibly theeee worst hangover in the history of all hangovers! :?
CptnCrackoff said:
They are quite strong, used one as an already ****** bottle last nite, i can confirm that **** wine after old peculiar and boddingtons gives you possibly theeee worst hangover in the history of all hangovers! :?

Just reading that makes me feel ill, why the hell did I log onto a Homebrew forum with a hangover?