I'm in the process of building one of these, but started using it before it was finished :nono:
10 metres of 8 mm copper down a 13 mm braided. Easy to thread up and works well. The only problem is all the cooler and connection hose flopping about.
The idea was to box it up in ply but have been busy building a sheet metal folder, so plan to use aluminum, much better job. Will be ordering some fitting from BES to fix the ins / outs to the box to neaten it up. :)
You can see the 8 mm copper inside the braided, that last brass fitting is an 8mm compression turned down one end and soldered into the copper tee fitting, to keep it all water / wort tight.
Went back up to 13 mm to the pump inlet via vossy's hose, 8 mm braided other end, to the FV

I will post when I have done battle with the BES catalog :pray: and boxed it up.

P.S. the 13mm blue plastic tee is nothing to do with this project, just in case you were wondering. :lol: