What else do you make?

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Jul 2, 2012
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South Northamptonshire
Just pickled my homegrown shallots with red chillies and homegrown bayleaves.
Also make our own pizza's much better than bought by miles.
What do other home brewers grow or make?
we have never bought a pizza or take away all are wife made. Fruit pies,meat pies all are made, as well as jams and preserves. Pickled onions and various other pickles share a space with my beers in the garage. All meals are " home-made" as much as we can.Although we don't make all our own bread we do a fair proportion of it.
During the summer burgers are made, although we have never tried to do sausages!
A local smallholder provides us with fresh eggs and bits of veg. The rest of the vegetables are from a local supplier, we don't have many supermarket packs.
I perc the coffee ! ( and enjoy the fruits of my wife's labours )
Last few years we/she has made many small individual meat pies of various game when in season and they go down a treat. Rabbit,pheasant,partridge guinnea fowl etc all are made up as pies for one and sit in the freezer.

p.s shes just done 4 jars of pickled onions !

Its a hard life but someone's got to appreciate her efforts
We make/grow our own Pickled chillies, Jams, Beer, wine, cider (real apples), Honey, eggs, some veg and I Shoot as many bunnies I can for meat. If we owned a small holding and didn't work 50hrs a week each there'd be more :D

And wife is only just getting into making own pizzas tonight will be the third time :thumb:
At Frog Towers my Wife is an avid baker, in the last week she has made fruitcake, chocolate cake, cheese scones, bread buns, american style pankcakes.
This is alongside all the homemade from scratch meals such as meat & 2 veg, pizza, curries and chinese food.

we also produce our own veggies in the garden.

Jams, chutneys and preserves inc. pickles are also made.

Soap, greeting cards and I have also had a go at beadcrafting, you know, making jewellery from tiny seed beads.
Hawthorn jelly! Would have been Hawthorn and crab apple but theres no crab apples to be had this year.

1kg of haws picked so far, hope to make it 3kg with some rosehips.....

I grafted 5 cider apples (Broxwood Foxwhelp and Dabinett) on M27 rootstocks (very dwarfing) most of these will go down to the allotment at the end of the year. Also have a small collection of heritage dessert apples in the making.... Cox's Orange Pippin, Claygate Pearmain, Painted Summer Pippin, Devonshire Quarrenden, Orleans Reinette, Ribston Pippin, Sturmer Pippin, Allington Pippin, Ashmead's Kernel, Crawley Beauty and Charles Ross.... Hope to add a few more next year. Plus I have a cherry, a pear (Concorde), and a quince......

Apart from the Cox, all are yet to bear fruit.

Blueberries did well. About 1.5kg from the mature bush.

Didnt get much from lottie this year, a handful of potatoes only, put more in than I got out..... too much rain and it got flooded too. Still harvested 10 pumpkins the other day though.....

Hey, muddydisco, how do you get to shoot bunnies if you dont have your own land?
Hey, muddydisco, how do you get to shoot bunnies if you dont have your own land?

Ooooooooooh tis my delight on a Friday night in the season o the year...... :whistle:
Apart from most of the meals in our house, I love to bake cakes, bread, anything really (okay it's not always sucessful, but I try!) We try to grow some veg and fruit and other stuff in our very small, grassless garden, but this year the harvest was terrible! I've just got into preserving this year, making jams and chutneys and various things from the River Cottage Preserves book.

I'm quite a crafty person so I also knit and crochet, sew and quilt. I try to make as many of our own clothes as I can, but my sewing machine broke (some really minor thing but it doesn't work at all) a few months ago and it apparently costs more to get it fixed than buy a new one, so i've been reluctant to do either! I dye my own wool and would love to learn how to spin yarn properly.
Get insured and speak to farmers and get full written permissions and they're glad to have you kill them.
I have started to make sourdough bread, I have a couple of starters in my yeast fridge along with my beer yeasts.

I aslo make my own pickles but unfortinately I don't grow my own onions, I would love to but small garden and two boys stops me. However I do make my own vinegar (brewing accidents) I have about 5 gallon of stout vinegar and a couple of gallons of cider vinegar. I now actually make and mature TC for making into vinegar :eek: :eek:

Did some mustard as well the other week which i am enjoying at the moment.

I would like to make my own cheese that is the next thing on the list of Graysalchemy's, secretly of course :lol:
i bake bread a good bit; my partner and i both make jam - she just did up a batch of damson yesterday - and 95% of our meals are made from scratch. The veg patch was pretty rough going this year, still sorting out what will and won't grow back there.
robbarwell said:
It never ceases to amaze me the amount of homebrewers that bake bread, make pickles etc.

I make jam, pickles and bake bread

+1 :thumb: on that..

I think it "comes with the territory" so to say, if you enjoy making something for yourself you don't stop at one. Rosie & I both enjoy cooking, like others on here she bakes, makes jams, chutneys, and so on. We did make cottage cheese a while back, but I would like to make a press so that we could have a go at hard cheese's. We get our meat from a farm up the road, so any burgers on our BBQ we know whats in them. When you think about it all, it makes you feel better that you've taken the time to do it. As Muddy said when your doing up to 50-60 hours a week at work, there's not a lot left for what we want to do. Roll on retirement I'll have all the time in the world... :rofl: :rofl:
On my list for next year is mangle wurzel beer.

Going to grow the mangles on the allotment then turn them into wort. Use my own hops and I'll have really home-brewed beer!

Get insured and speak to farmers and get full written permissions and they're glad to have you kill them.

What do you use? Shotgun, small bore, air rifle?
Shotgun!! :sick: I prefer my meat with less lead in it!
You can use air rifles or small bore centre or rimfires. I use a Air rifle a cheaper way of getting meat
Brocock contour .22 here looks like a kids gun but carries well over long walks and accurate
within Legals for now may get it tuned down the line, but my bunnies are easy to get for now sit still and they come to you
Baldbrewer said:
HW97k .22 tuned air rifle is my choice for Coneys ;)

Memories flooding back now...had a Weihrauch years back when I was on the farm, funny thing is I was looking on the net only a few weeks ago for Airgun clubs in our area.

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