Managed a couple of brews over the Easter weekend and didn't write up details.
First up an American Red / Amber, hopped with Columbus, Citra and Amarillo.
OG - 1.051 FG - 1.011 ABV - 5.3% EBC - 30 IBU - 32
Had a nightmare with the mash. Bought a digital temp probe as I was a little wary of the temp controller on the Klarstein. Drove me mad as it was constantly showing 10-12 deg lower than expected. Cue some fiddling around with mash temps. Only realised when the temp topped 70deg that the display on the new temp probe was faulty. The '6' in then tens column reads as a '5' (calculator style numbers) meaning when I expected to read something like 67 I was actually seeing 57.

Fortunately the display flips if you hold it the other way round, so I now remember to use upside down! Hopefully no negative effects on beer as the mash temp did jump about a bit while I questioned my sanity and I missed the numbers a bit as a result. OG was 1.045, though I think this might be down to mash pH being too high. Working on this..
Secondly, Vienna Lager V2. Enjoyed my first attempt last year, made some tweaks to hopefully emphasize the malty backbone.
OG - 1.046 1.010 ABV - 4.6% EBC - 18.3 IBU - 23
All ran smoothy with this one and hit the numbers pretty much on the nose. Plan is to bottle this and try to leave alone for a couple of months. Emphasis on try...

Next up will be a British Golden Ale