What did you brew today?

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🙂A beer I've called summer gold. As it's warmer today than many days over 'summer' so I thought why not. Made some in-flight changes - the aurora hops I was using were past their best so I chucked in the rest of the bag and a handful of fresher ones. Also decided to whirlpool some strata hops in as I'd never whirlpooled before. Now no-chilling, then pitch in some Notty in the morning.

For those that have seen my posts about fermenting in the kettle you'll be relieved to know I poured the wort off the trub and hop debris into a fermenting vessel. Even I would be uncomfortable fermenting in a burco cygnet.

To restore the balance, though, the Notty had expired in 2021 :D.

Just checked and I think all is well.

For those that have seen my posts about fermenting in the kettle you'll be relieved to know I poured the wort off the trub and hop debris into a fermenting vessel. Even I would be uncomfortable fermenting in a burco cygnet.

To restore the balance, though, the Notty had expired in 2021 :D.

Just checked and I think all is well.

View attachment 90678

Bottled it (more later).

Proof (if it was needed) that Big Brother is watching - I was thinking about a label for the bottles and had more or less settled on a sunset. Last night my iPhone popped up with a memories slide show titled Summer Gold comprised of photos I'd taken of sunsets. Either spooky or they really are watching (and being helpful this time).

Anyway, bottled it yesterday even though I only pitched the yeast on Saturday. Just had a feeling it was OK. Does put me in mind of a Craig David song starting with 'I was boiled on a Friday' and ending with 'Bottled by Tuesday' :cool:

I've tried finings for the first time ever to see what the affect is.
I made a bit of a Frankenstein's monster today, just used up the remainder of all my old base malts and a bag of Hallertau Mittelfruh that I forgot I had. Also added the remainder of a bag of Demerara sugar that had been lurking around for a while.

The end result came in at an OG of 1086, 38 IBU's, and looks like it will be on the pale side. I put it directly onto Kveik Hornindal slurry from a previous batch bottled yesterday so it should be able to handle the higher gravity (fingers crossed!).

Brewfather seems to think it's in line with a Belgian strong pale but since I'm not using the relevant yeast it's probably best to consider it a 'generic' ale.
Back on it this week.

Got a Chardonnay fermenting away and am currently mashing a Leffe clone. My cat is very interested in what's going on she's a year old now and I don't think I've brewed since I had her. Thankfully most of the process has come back to me.
Sun is out & forecast is good, so I'm going for a brew day while I can still power it from PV panels.

Looking like some kind of christmassy ESB or 1698-a-like.
(I ran out of choc malt, so it's not going to be porter)

4.5kg Maris otter.
400g crystal.
1kg soft dark sugar.
Magnum for bittering.
Still trying to decide between northdown & challenger as main hop
A red lager. I thought it would be original but a quick Google showed its not 😞 .

Noticed during the last ten minutes of the boil that I'd forgot to tick the 'no chill' box so it's going to be more bitter than I want unless I can be bothered to go back out and get the chiller going. 🤔
Sun is out & forecast is good, so I'm going for a brew day while I can still power it from PV panels.

Looking like some kind of christmassy ESB or 1698-a-like.
(I ran out of choc malt, so it's not going to be porter)

4.5kg Maris otter.
400g crystal.
1kg soft dark sugar.
Magnum for bittering.
Still trying to decide between northdown & challenger as main hop
ESB for Christmas. There's a thought.
11L of Ordinary Bitter, kept things very simple 1.2KG DME, sixty minute boil with 25g Fuggles at 60 Minutes and 10g at five minutes. Topped up to 11L giving an OG of 1.038 and fermenting with CML Midland. All going well I should have a nice easy drinking session bitter at about 3.8%.
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I've tried finings for the first time ever to see what the affect is.

The affect so far is it took a long time to carbonate, 11 days, the previous thing I brewed took 5. I'm assuming there was less yeast in suspension to do the fizzing. I'm hoping it will mean less sediment in the bottle, going to test one later.

Thinking I might reserve finings for when I force carbonate.
Knocked up a Golden Ale. Standard recipe I use where just change the hop to hit the same parameters, this time Galaxy. 4.2% abv, 34-38 IBU's using Extra Pale Planet mashed at 67C and 5% Date Syrup in the boil. Graham Wheeler's Bitter water profile and my house blend of dry yeast.