Brewed an American ipa last night but as usual nothing went to plan
Hadn’t planned to brew but wife went out so made the most of it.
Forgot to add a campden tablet to mash water
Also forgot to add water additions
Got water to mash temp and mashed in 8kg grain covered boiler and left to take youngest to the Chinese as my wife never fed her before she left
Returned to find I hadn’t set the boiler and mash temp was 59c (I biab)
Mashed out and started boil
Realised I had no prorofloc tablets left.
Boiled and transferred to fermenter on top of last yeast cake and turb for the first time to see how it went.
Left fridge set at 20c
Came back from work to find inkbird reading 26c
Forgot to plug in the cooling side but remembered to plug in the heater
Let’s hope this ends up a damm good beer.