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I forgot I did this.....

23/03/2021 brew 56 - Liquid Tnt V2 - barley wine.

2.5kg light dme
1kg dark dme
500g med dme
500g wheat dme
650 golden syrup
100g centennial 5 mins boil & left at F/O for 30 mins
MJ Belgian ale yeast

pitched at 23

11 litres of Saison
Did a full volume BIAB for the first time ended with BHE of 61%.
3000g pale malt
200g biscuit malt
200g flaked corn
25g ekg
20g saaz
CML Saison yeast
OG 1060
So I made a starter 36hrs ago for a packet of wyeast 1214. Expirey date 5th of June. It's showing zero life, checked this morning with the hydrometer.
What do you think, chuck it or leave it another 24hrs. I contacted geterbrewed for advice. I have never used this yeast before. It says it's a slow starter but surely it should be showing signs of life by now.
8l Stovetop oatmeal stout from Greg Hughes recipe. Was supposed to be done on sunday, so playing catch-up early this morning!

All done...missed OG by a couple of points but still dropping the wort to the fv so unsure yet of my BHE. Wort nice and clear and tastes great! Bit of cleaning to do then its feet up in the garden time..with a light refreshment!
Kegged a batch of APA yesterday, so as I have an FV free, I brewed another one today. Based on James Morton's Undead pale ale (Zombie Dust clone), but with a few cheeky malt substitutions. The last batch I did came out lighter that the photo in the book, but slightly cloudy and unctious, so today I thought I would play on that; 400 g of oats, no protofloc and a water profile hinting towards a NEIPA.

All in all a pleasant day sat outside in the sunshine, with just the occasional beeping from the GF to disturb my musings. I think its now beer o'clock.
Started my 2nd effort at a Brewmaker Pilsner last night, with brewing sugar this time as opposed to malt extract the 1st time, just to see the difference, also going to prime with sugar instead of carbonation drops this time, as they didn't give hardly any fizz on opening the bottles despite using brand new 500ml PET bottles.
Instructions say half a teaspoon sugar per pint, which I followed in a few bottles after using up all the carbonation drops last time, but they didn't have any more fizz than the rest so might add a teaspoon to each bottle instead.
21.5 litres of Pilsner Urquell
5000g German Bohemian Malt
30g Saaz 5.6 AA @ 60m
25g Saaz 2.2 AA @ 30m
20g Tettnang 3.8 AA @ 15m
Saflager W34/70 @ 15C
OG 1052 BHE 70%
23 Litres of AG APA (tweaked GH recipe)

4.75Kg Pale malt (MO)
60 min mash @ 65°C
10 min mash out @ 75°C
30g Cascade @ boil
30g Simcoe & 30g Citra @ 10 mins
half a protofloc tablet @ 10 mins
60g Simcoe & 60g Citra at turn off
Verdant IPA yeast @ 20°C
OG 1.046
Winter Wheat (a Weissbier I originally meant to brew back’ in January), this is my first Weissbier Brewed using dry yeast (CML Gretel) I’ve insulated the fermentor as best I can and have a heat mat so hoping I can keep this at 23°C or more as I really enjoy the banana like flavours you seem to get at higher temperatures.

Fermentor Volume 11L
Expected Packaged Volume 9L

Grain Bill
Pilsner Malt 1KG
Wheat 1.5KG
Unsure on the brand but purchased from Crossmyloof

40g Hallertau Hersbrucker 2.5AA 30 Minutes (21.46 IBU)
10g Saaz 5.35AA 5 Minutes (2.98 IBU)

BIAB Mash in 15L 66.2°C
13L roughly of wort at the start of the boil normally I have used about 10L for the mash and then done a dunk sparge but this time I’ve upped the mash water and skipped the sparge as was curious to see the impact on my efficiency (normally 62%).

OG 1.036
Efficiency 51%
Yeast: CML Gretel
Expected Final Gravity 1.005
Expected ABV 4.07%

Part of the problem is the boil off was less than expected (I was expecting 10L not 11) but also it would seem my dunk sparge does make a fair difference. I was slightly tempted to add some sugar to up the gravity (I don’t have any DME to hand) but have decided to just leave as it is and hopefully end up with a bit more of a session wheat beer.
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I'm also bottling: my extract brew, following GW's recipe for Old Peculiar. Started with a mini-mash so OG was 1.062. Used MJ's New World Strong Ale Yeast (M42) for the first time - as soon as it got started I had a foam fountain out of the airlock:
It stopped bubbling after 24 hours, and the hydrometer reading had already dropped to 1.018 (target 1.015). A stir, dry hop and 20g brewing sugar prompted another 24 hours of frantic activity. I gave it a couple more days in the fermenter and then bottled it with FG 1.013 (78% attenuation).

Think I've found my go-to yeast, just need to remember to use the big FV!
Got one brewing today. Here's a preview of my latest concoction - Easter Oatmeal Stout, loosely based on GH recipe.
Second runnings:

Almost at the boil:

A heavenly smell of coffee and chocolate coming from the kettle 😋