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Racked 8L of my What the Fuggle? ale onto half a kilo of spent sloes this morning. The colour took on a purplish hue straight away and the smell was lovely so I will wait in anticipation of this one. I took a gravity sample from the main batch and after 7 days it is 1.015 so not far off finishing and tasted spot on athumb..
Impressed so far with the CML Beoir yeast.
Impromptu / wing-it brewday. Golden ale, mostly pale malt with a fair splodge of Munich and a touch of wheat. Bittered with magnum and galaxy for late additions / DH. London ale 3 to ferment

Mash recirculating with a nice clear wort:
Had a busy weekend but wanted to get one batch on so decided to give a fifteen minute boil pale ale a go. 1.5kG if light LME, used 20g of mosaic, for fifteen minutes adding another 10g for the last five minutes of the boil. Just over 9 litre in the fermentor once it’s finished cooling I will use S-05 and plan to dry hop with another 10g of mosaic.

Really hoping this works out as while I doubt 15 minute boils will work for everything I can see the appeal now and then of having my brew day over and done with in one hour.
Yesterday I brewed a British strong ale and had a bit of hard time trying to fit all the grain into my robobrew.
Ended up with an of OG 1.076 and hopefully it will ferment out to 1.015-1.012.
Mash temp was slightly lower than usual, aiming for a slightly drier finish.
Hoping for an ABV between 8-8.5% then bottle condition.
This is just coming up to the boil now, mash pH was quite a bit higher than expected for some reason at 5.7 with 5.4 predicted, but pre-boil gravity looks good. This is another one I had meant to brew ages ago for a BJCP comp which is taking place in 6 weeks, so I'm going to give the Brulosophy quick lager method a go and hope for the best.

Munich Dunkel

Batch Size: 20L
Grain: 5.1kg
Hops: 50g
OG: 1.055
Expected FG: 1.015
ABV: 5.3%
Colour: 20SRM
Bitterness: 22IBU

Grain Bill
3.0kg Munich I (59%)
2.0kg Munich II (39%)
0.1kg Carafa special II (2%)

Hop Bill
35g Hallertau Mittelfruh @ 60 mins
15g Hallertau Mittelfruh @ 20 mins

Pitch at 10°C with WLP833 - German bock lager
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Just started an extract, found half of a werry malt 1.5k, so I am mashing in with 2k of pale malt some amber,munich,crystal45 a touch of roasted barley, christened it red bomber, all supplies used now, hops are target challenger and mouteka
I put up with one of those plastic paddles for much longer than I should've, the upgrade to SS was a revelation!
I put up with one of those plastic paddles for much longer than I should've, the upgrade to SS was a revelation!
Plus 1 for this. I ordered a Chinese one through fleabay, took about 3 weeks to arrive, but was half the price of the anything from the UK. Now can scrape the base plate without scalding my fingers.
Still trying to perfect my go-to House blond/pale ale for constant availability on my beer engine.

Comments welcome please.
Trying red X out for the first time after hearing good reviews.
Went For a red rye IPA
4.2kg red x
1kg rye malt
150g of biscuit
150g of cara aroma

Hops with be Simcoe and mosiac.
My go to imperial stout recipe tweaked to remove the 1kg of spray malt. Kit improvements mean I have the space to mash everything now.
Predicted og - 1.099
Actual og - 1.096 which I'm more than happy with. Think I could have sparged a bit more to get bang on.
Celebrating with a duvel citra from tesco.
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Porter for my Plum Porter 21 litres into fermenter.
63.6 % Veloria Schooner malt (can sub for Maris Otter)
6.5% German Munich light
9.8% UK Brown malt
11.5% Crystal 60
4.7% UK Chocolate malt
3.9% NZ Gladiator malt (can sub for Carapils)

30 g Fuggles 60 mins
20 g EKG 10 mins
Full volume no sparge OG 1,051 FG 1,012 IBU 22 SRM 31.15 Mash pH 5.4

Will add .25 ml / litre Uncle Roys Plum essence to the bottling bucket.


Lovely rich mahogany colour.


Yeast is pitched, can't wait.
Porter for my Plum Porter 21 litres into fermenter.
63.6 % Veloria Schooner malt (can sub for Maris Otter)
6.5% German Munich light
9.8% UK Brown malt
11.5% Crystal 60
4.7% UK Chocolate malt
3.9% NZ Gladiator malt (can sub for Carapils)

30 g Fuggles 60 mins
20 g EKG 10 mins
Full volume no sparge OG 1,051 FG 1,012 IBU 22 SRM 31.15 Mash pH 5.4

Will add .25 ml / litre Uncle Roys Plum essence to the bottling bucket.

View attachment 22870
Lovely rich mahogany colour.

View attachment 22871
Yeast is pitched, can't wait.

Are you using the super concentrate or the regular strength essence?

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