What are you drinking tonight?

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Do you prime the mini keg with sugar or gas it?
Prime it with sugar. Normally 20g's however now using the gas I'm going to drop to 10g for future kegs. First few are always very frothy.

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I had an elvis juice
a siren craft breakfast stout. - the best 6.5% ish stout i've ever had.
siren calypso. a sour that was spot on.
brewdog hops kill - no idea what style it is but very impressive, :thumb:
a monumental ipa - which was meh - imo

now i'm home a can of pogo (1 of 3 bought from BD)
the least favorite of my wild beer company beers so far. :-(
not one for real hop heads :-(

apparently its bbq weather 2 morrow. that spells a massive depletion of my 'working hard in the yard!' :doh:
Trying a real, genuine pilsner for the first time tonight - Pilsner Urquell from Plzen in the Czech Republic. It's actually quite nice. Not a flavour bomb. More like BBQ beer.

Nowt wrong wi that.
I picked up the range of 99p beers from Aldi earlier. The American IPA was pretty unimpressive, not a lot of hop character to speak of, more like a lager with a bit more bitterness. But if we call it 30p for the bottle and 69p for the beer I guess I can't complain, and it was a refreshing drink on a hot afternoon.

Tonight I'm drinking Chimay Blue, and that's a whole other matter. An absolutely beautiful beer, red fruit and a little burnt sugar from the malts and a yeast character that I identify as a little bit floral. I'm going to try and harvest the yeast to culture it up to pitch in my own dubbel which I'm going to brew in a few weeks.

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had bbq after replacing our dead grohe digital shower :-( with a mira digital shower.

sad to see the grohe go, it's a bit like seeing concorde being retired however awesome bbq (son & mrs doj couldn't get it going). I chucked some sugar on it and it fired up fine :whistle:

The whole family were on HB and a cloudless blue sky, trees shimmering in the wind in the distance, fantastic light a great 6-9 pm evening experience. Sod fathers day tomorrow, I had it today :grin:
Sounds like a great day.

HB + BBQ = 😁😁😁

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Sad to say but the heat finally got to me and I had a 2 x 500ml bottles of Light Ale ... :thumb:

... made into Shandies with 2 x 350ml of ice cold Diet Lemonade. :doh:

Mea culpa - but they did hit the spot! :whistle:
Hey a quick shout out @Fatcontrollet11 tonight as I had a bottle swap of a red ale and a young Belgian Bruin of which I've never had before and both were fantastic.
Had one one of my own threw together brew and that's it.Three bottles tonight and I'm a happy brewer and you can see why below.A Belgian brew does deserve respect.

Sorry the Belgian is shy about the ABV which is 10.5%

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I'm drinking my own ESB (James Morton's recipe). 6 months conditioning and it tastes damn good.

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How's your brewing coming along?

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This is my fourth brew and by far the best. Not sure if this is down to the kit or the fact that it was the first I have done in a trub bath with aquarium heater, which enabled me to hold a very steady fermentation temp. This brew is still very young as I force carbed 6 litres in the tap-a-draft. The rest is naturally carbonating and is going to get to sit for at least a month as I'll be of on holiday soon. Looking forward to see how it improves.
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