What are you drinking tonight 2021?

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Polishing of the last of last nights supply of Dunkleweisen. Definitely next in the queue to brew after the Oktoberfest lager that’s going on this weekend.
I've tried dunkelweizen a couple of times and while I've enjoyed the dark and malty outcome, it's not a brew that I'd voluntarily share. On the surface the recipe for a dunkelweizen sounds simple and trouble free, yet I think there's more to it than that. I need to get my stocks up so that I can attempt a series of dunkelweizen honing experimental batches 😋
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Lovely beer love this and Summer Lightning. Made it many times but this is better than mine. 😢
Ahh, the elusive taste of a British summer...
Elusive as the forecast for decent weather on a bank holiday weekend.

Not yet tried an Exmoor gold attempt, and a bit underwhelmed by a summer lightning attempt last year, I think the golden ales are hard to mimic well. My most pleasing attempt so far was the low ABV Burton Bridge Golden Delicious. An absolutely delightful brew that smacked of English summer! Ahhh!
I've tried dunkelweizen a couple of times and while I've enjoyed the dark and malty outcome, it's not a brew that I'd voluntarily share. On the surface the recipe for a dunkelweizen sounds simple and trouble free, yet I think there's more to it than that. I need to get my stocks up so that I can attempt a series of dunkelweizen honing experimental batches 😋

This is where I am recipe wise after 4 attempts. Balanced water for the malts and ferment at 20C+ for banana.

Grainfather Community ToolsDrunkle Stephen
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My Sweet Cherry saison. The awful photo does not do it justice; it is more reddish in colour than the pink it looks in the photo, and is certainly much clearer. I reckon the amount of cherries is about right, the taste is there, but it doesn't drown out the fact that it's a beer. Really pleased with it; only bottled on the 10th of this month, so should improve a bit further too.
Enough of this Belgian madness for tonight (he says after a blonde and a few halves of SAISON).

Oatmeal stout? Yes please.
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After extensive research (well, all the beers I've brewed since last November, anyway), I've come to the conclusion that you just can't beat a good oatmeal stout! :D
Another rose but with a hat tip to the Weber go anywhere I think that first time I ever saw it mentioned was in this thread maybe @Rodcx500z ? Anyway pound for pound best bit of kit I ever bought.

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Maybe me - I did get a weber but for my sins it hasn't yet been set up 😭 this year for sure! Been sat in the box far far too long. I do make very good use of the ooni though, I got mine when they were cheaper, but even at 300 quid I think the are worth it if you are a family who like pizza (or even if like me there are only two of us who eat on it! (son hates melted cheese and my wife is a celiac so can't eat wheat!))

Back on topic - my two latest brews were a Lost Lager and a citra/cascade APA - I'm been having a half of each every night since they got in the keg. They will not last long! (I don't have any cups in the shed so get the excuse to use these funky science lab bottles my bother got for me (saved from the bin at work!))
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