weak and flat beer

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New Member
Oct 30, 2011
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Hi peeps,
Just finished brewing my first ale from scratch, the result after three weeks is an ale of a non descript taste and completely flat, almost watery. I have now brewed two kit based lagers and the results have been pleasing but this one i am about to ditch and start over, but before i do i would like any input you guys might have with your wealth of experience!

Heres the recipe i followed
25 ltrs
2700g crushed pale malt
400g flaked maize
250g crushed crystal malt
15 ltrs water
5g irish moss
300g sugar
60g goldings hops
30g bramling cross hops
60 yeast
60g brown sugar

i made the wort with the malts and maize for 11/2 hours, rinsed it and made the extarct up to 20 ltrs. boiled the extract with the hops for 11/2 hours, added the sugar and moss as directed on the tub. strained it and made up to 25 ltrs with cold water and then added yeast when correct temperature was reached. racked twice and then into my pressure keg with the brown sugar.
Hey, not sure what strike temperature is :wha: but as per the recipe i followed the o.g was 1040 and when the f.g was taken it was 1010 or thereabouts
To get any kind of decent answer you'll need to provide more info.

Mash temp?
When you added hops?
Basically a step by step run down of what you did and when?

Not sure the topping up with cold water to 25L sounds good, and the OG looks a little optimistic but that might be just me.