I'm fairly new here but wondered what peoples opinion on using tap water for your wort was, is it a no-no? Does anyone use bottled water or filter their water first?
I only ask as I've started an Evil Dog IPA kit and followed the instructions using cold tap water, but now that I think about it I could have introduced nasties into the brew by doing so.
I'm 10 days into the primary fermentation and it all seems fine, but did I run a risk?
I'm fairly new here but wondered what peoples opinion on using tap water for your wort was, is it a no-no? Does anyone use bottled water or filter their water first?
I only ask as I've started an Evil Dog IPA kit and followed the instructions using cold tap water, but now that I think about it I could have introduced nasties into the brew by doing so.
I'm 10 days into the primary fermentation and it all seems fine, but did I run a risk?