Water or milk first

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Mar 17, 2013
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Ulverston Cumbria.
I have always drunk Nescafe original and always used the milk in first method, we have switched to Nescafe gold and i now find the milk in first method leaves lumps of coffee floating on the surface, i have read pouring boiling water straight onto coffee ruins it, is this a load of rubbish? what method do you use?
No its not a myth...If you pour boiling water on instant coffee it will scold the coffee and you can taste the difference. Milk, sugar (if req.) coffee and then boiling water. Do a side by side test and you will taste the difference

You can also "scold" tea in the same way...ie ...don't not use boiling water onto a tea-bag....use water that "has" been boiled, leave the boiling water in the kettle for two mins before making your tea
The method I'd suggest is to throw the Nescafé in the nearest bin and make some real coffee :tongue:

I also think black tea needs just boiled water otherwise you just end up with weak tea, but that's just me. Each to their own.
johnnyboy1965 said:
No its not a myth...If you pour boiling water on instant coffee it will scold the coffee and you can taste the difference. Milk, sugar (if req.) coffee and then boiling water. Do a side by side test and you will taste the difference

You can also "scold" tea in the same way...ie ...don't not use boiling water onto a tea-bag....use water that "has" been boiled, leave the boiling water in the kettle for two mins before making your tea

I agree with all of that except I only wait about 30-60 seconds for tea. Also if I am having black coffee I add the same amount of cold water first as if I was adding milk.
The method I'd suggest is to throw the Nescafé in the nearest bin and make some real coffee

I bet you spend a lot of time in starbucks, i would rather have a cup of Nescafe than some over priced trendy crap.
Chippy_Tea said:
The method I'd suggest is to throw the Nescafé in the nearest bin and make some real coffee

I bet you spend a lot of time in starbucks, i would rather have a cup of Nescafe than some over priced trendy crap.
+1 for JKP. I hate Starbucks and costa with a passion . . I'd much rather have my own coffee than anything from a 'chain'. I will either use a drench press, or my stove top espresso unit .

As for instant . . . I drink water . . .although Carte Noire is quite palatable.
Chippy_Tea said:
The method I'd suggest is to throw the Nescafé in the nearest bin and make some real coffee

I bet you spend a lot of time in starbucks, i would rather have a cup of Nescafe than some over priced trendy crap.

He said real coffee, not Starbucks rubbish.

I use a Gaggia to make Espresso from freshly ground beans, then you add water or milk to suit your taste.

You just need one of these and a grinder.

Chippy_Tea said:
The method I'd suggest is to throw the Nescafé in the nearest bin and make some real coffee

I bet you spend a lot of time in starbucks, i would rather have a cup of Nescafe than some over priced trendy crap.

Like others I grind and brew fresh, but I understand that not everyone is lucky enough to have the machines or are interested enough to go to the extra effort.

On the occasions that I do have instant, I actually do the same as you, milk in first or a spot of cold water, then mix really well to get rid of any lumps before the hot water goes in. Not a spot on the real thing but when there is no other option I will stray to the dark side of coffee making. :geek:
Having never been to a Starf**ks whatever, I roast and grind my own. I love coffee, its a lot like brewing beer...so many different recipes/methods.
johnnyboy1965 said:
No its not a myth...If you pour boiling water on instant coffee it will scold the coffee

I wasn't aware you could give a cup of coffee a good telling off... :whistle: :whistle:
jkp said:
The method I'd suggest is to throw the Nescafé in the nearest bin and make some real coffee :tongue:

I second that. Nescafe is the Blue Nun of the coffee world. Perfectly acceptable when you didn't know any better, but once the whole world of coffee is opened up to you, why would you ever go back?

In answer to your original question, if you stir the coffee as you pour the water in, or pour the water from a bit of a height, you shouldn't get the lumps on the surface.
Personally the best place for NC is in the bin next to a SB's.

Tea must be made with BOILING water, coffee with water that is off the boil. I would NEVER add milk before water to tea, and I drink coffee black anyway :thumb:

If I have to drink instant coffee then to my taste the best is Red Mountain, but SHMBO prefers NC :doh: So we compromise, and I only drink filter coffee & tea :cheers:

If you visit the Twinings tea pages then they will show you how to make a real cuppa. But I just don't have time to warm the pot, eject the water, add the tea, re-boil the water then wait 5 min for a cuppa, when I can just pour boiling water over a t-bag. Saying that when I DO make the tea that way it is really nice.
narmour said:
jkp said:
The method I'd suggest is to throw the Nescafé in the nearest bin and make some real coffee :tongue:

Nescafe is the Blue Nun of the coffee world. Perfectly acceptable when you didn't know any better.

I drink a cup in the morning before work and drink tea at work or other times of the day so i am not interested in going to all the fuss of grinding and making my own and finding one i like, if that floats your boat fine, the question was not which is the better coffee it was which is the better method of making it.

First beer snobbery now coffee snobbery. :roll:
My gripe with people putting milk in first (tea only, I don't like coffee) is that I have a sugar in it, which dissolves far better straight in the near-boiling water than it does once the milk is in. Worse still, is when someone puts the sugar in the milk first :evil: :evil: :evil: and then gives the whole thing the limpest stir possible. All the sugar goes down in the last gulp. Far worse than any supposed tea-scorching.

Non-sugar-takers are rarely very good at making tea with sugar in it, once they've finally located a clump of sugar tucked in some Tupperware in the back of their cupboard from 1997.

I'm not from Yorkshire (though I live here) but I tend to be disappointed with any tea bag other than the Taylors Yorkshire ones, particularly Twinings.

It's nice to have a tea-rant!
Chippy_Tea said:
the question was not which is the better coffee it was which is the better method of making it.

First beer snobbery now coffee snobbery. :roll:
Some debate on that, personally I find that either a french press or an espresso are both acceptable methods, I'm not particularly keen on perc'd coffee though.

As far as instant is concerned . . . it makes F all difference to the most important thing, the taste, if the milk goes in first or last :twisted:

Beer snob, and coffee snob :thumb: :thumb: I'm easily satisfied, just give me the best
Chippy_Tea said:
narmour said:
jkp said:
The method I'd suggest is to throw the Nescafé in the nearest bin and make some real coffee :tongue:

Nescafe is the Blue Nun of the coffee world. Perfectly acceptable when you didn't know any better.

I drink a cup in the morning before work and drink tea at work or other times of the day so i am not interested in going to all the fuss of grinding and making my own and finding one i like, if that floats your boat fine, the question was not which is the better coffee it was which is the better method of making it.

First beer snobbery now coffee snobbery. :roll:

Ah well you should have asked what's the best way of making that particular version of coffee, then.

We have instant in the house, to make wine with.
I can't be arsed with all the complex stuff for coffee to drink, but I do insist on a cafetiere. I like Dowe Egbert's green for normal or Hot Lava Java to get me moving in the morning. They're not special but they work for me.
oldbloke said:
The method I'd suggest is to throw the but I do insist on a cafetiere.
Now that I really DISLIKE the ground bits <spits grounds outs> you get with them I totally dislike. Bit like when an t-bag splits open and you get loose tea in your mug :cry: