It is not really possible to make a 5 gallon batch using kitchen implements, at the minimum you need to be able to boil 5 gallons of wort. . . . assuming you get yourself a boiler that is capable of doing this (And there are plenty of instructions on making your own on the forum) the process would be as follows.
Put six gallons of water in a fermenting bin and add a crushed campden tablet. stir adn leave for 5 minutes.
Take 5 gallons of water and put it in the boiler to boil.
Put the remaining 1 gallon of the water in another bucket and add 2420g or Muntons extra light spraymalt (The DME), stirring to dissolve. . . . when it has dissolved tip it into the boiler and stir well .
Once the whole lot is boiling and the foam has subsided add 13g of target hops, 7g of challenger hops, and 7g of northdown hops to the boiler boil for 80 minutes. then add 9g of goldings hops and a tsp of Irish moss. . . . boil for a further 10 minutes.
Turn the heat off and allow the hops to settle . . . if you have bought/made an immersion chiller chill the wort as quickly as you can. . . . then rack / syphon into your sanitised fermenting bin and pitch the yeast once it has cooled to 25C . . . . You know the rest.