[EDIT For later readers of this post, I since discovered that the commercial draught Wherry is only 3.8%ABV! The 4.5% quoted below is what is displayed on the commercial pump picture on the front of the homebrew box. Confusing. Anyway, I topped mine up only to 21.5L, which gave an OG of 1.044, which should get me quite close to 4.5% with the priming sugars as well. It's bubbling away as I type.]
Hi there
Reading through the reviews of Woodforde's Wherry 3Kg kit, fellow brewers have encountered different OGs and FGs and ABVs. Please share your OGs and FGs here too - it will help me calculate! If you're interested further in my planned calculations, then read on. If not, then please just share any OGs or FGs (and size of brew) for Wherry :
I'd like to achieve a final ABV of 4.5%, like the commercial Wherry (on the front of the kit's box).
After much reading, it looks like I can add as near as dammit 0.2% final ABV for 80g granulated priming sugar in 23L, based on 18g sugar per litre producing 1%ABV.
So I want my OG-FG to yield 4.3%ABV before priming. If there's some commonality in what people report for FGs, I'll reduce/increase the water in the wort to give a difference of 0.032 (which is 4.3 x 0.0074) on the hydrometer between my OG and the most common FG people get.
Any help, figures or thoughts much appreciated! :hat:
Hi there
Reading through the reviews of Woodforde's Wherry 3Kg kit, fellow brewers have encountered different OGs and FGs and ABVs. Please share your OGs and FGs here too - it will help me calculate! If you're interested further in my planned calculations, then read on. If not, then please just share any OGs or FGs (and size of brew) for Wherry :

I'd like to achieve a final ABV of 4.5%, like the commercial Wherry (on the front of the kit's box).
After much reading, it looks like I can add as near as dammit 0.2% final ABV for 80g granulated priming sugar in 23L, based on 18g sugar per litre producing 1%ABV.
So I want my OG-FG to yield 4.3%ABV before priming. If there's some commonality in what people report for FGs, I'll reduce/increase the water in the wort to give a difference of 0.032 (which is 4.3 x 0.0074) on the hydrometer between my OG and the most common FG people get.
Any help, figures or thoughts much appreciated! :hat: