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The no rinse dosage for videne is between 12.5 and 25ppm, which works out at 1.25ml to 2.5 ml/L . . . if you go above this it actually becomes less effective . . . personally I use 1.25ml for more or less everything . . . . although I have a spray bottle filled with 25ppm solution, for 'instant' sanitising.

Contact time is 20 minutes (Which is the standard FDA time for a test), although it is effective within 30 seconds ;)
What Videne is it you are using i've found a pharmacy that will sell me some but there is alcoholic tincture, antiseptic, and surgical scrub not sure on what to buy.
"contact time is 20 minutes"

Does that mean that the item being sterilised has to remain in contact with the videne/water solution for 20 minutes?
llannige said:
Is this the correct measure as I've been using 1.25ml per litre? :wha:
Aleman said:
The no rinse dosage for videne is between 12.5 and 25ppm, which works out at 1.25ml to 2.5 ml/L . . . if you go above this it actually becomes less effective . . . personally I use 1.25ml for more or less everything . . . . although I have a spray bottle filled with 25ppm solution, for 'instant' sanitising.

Contact time is 20 minutes (Which is the standard FDA time for a test), although it is effective within 30 seconds ;)

Sorry guys, my fault for giving an incomplete answer :oops:
I make up a solution at 2.5ml of videne per litre of filtered water and use it from a spray bottle :thumb:
My general cleaning and sanitising routine is
A soak in Oxyclean (Percarbonate) or equivalent a good rinse and shake to remove most of the rinsing water, then I spray the videne solution onto the surfaces that will come into contact with my wort or must.
I personally, leave this for 5 minutes and then drain.
My theory behind the 2.5ml/L is that as there is already water in / on what ever is to be sanitised then it will become further diluted, but hopefully not below 125 ppm :pray:
Works for me :D
goodly dudscrew said:
Hi there llannige, how many times have you used 1.25 ml per litre?
Every brew related task when required.
e.g. 12 A.G's, 3 kit/extracts.Never had any probs. :thumb:
ni9e said:
What Videne is it you are using i've found a pharmacy that will sell me some but there is alcoholic tincture, antiseptic, and surgical scrub not sure on what to buy.

It's the aqueous solution you want.
goodly dudscrew said:
"contact time is 20 minutes"

Does that mean that the item being sterilised has to remain in contact with the videne/water solution for 20 minutes?

As Aleman says 30 secs sprayed on and it becomes effective.
I also constantly spray my hands with it.

Don't get confused between "cleaning" and sanitizing"
llannige said:
As Aleman says 30 secs sprayed on and it becomes effective.
I also constantly spray my hands with it.
One other note here . . . I have discovered that iodophors have an irritant effect on my skin . . .producing very nasty eczema like symptoms . . . If it doesn't affect you then that's great, but be aware that all cleansers / sanitisers are generally not for skin contact . . . . It's bizarre really when you consider that the 'real' use for is swabbing operation sites.
Aleman said:
llannige said:
As Aleman says 30 secs sprayed on and it becomes effective.
I also constantly spray my hands with it.
One other note here . . . I have discovered that iodophors have an irritant effect on my skin . . .producing very nasty eczema like symptoms . . . If it doesn't affect you then that's great, but be aware that all cleansers / sanitisers are generally not for skin contact . . . . It's bizarre really when you consider that the 'real' use for is swabbing operation sites.

Thanks for the advice Aleman, never considered that one. :thumb:

Its a crazy one as you say,because I did know of its 'real' use.
I also use 1.25ml per litre and have done for the last couple of years. I use it as a soak and also as a spray. It's worth noting that to sanitise properly the item must be clean first. As Aleman has said you may suffer side effects when using Iodophor based sanitisers, though this is quite rare.
They (iodophor based sanitisers) have, and are used, in most hospitals to swab sites pre surgery. They are also used extensively in the farming/dairy industry.
It is possible that Iodophor based sanitisers may be withdrawn in the future, which would be a real shame :(