Oh dear, I wonder what will come out of this... Got stuck in the starter making business last night. Gave the yeastie smack-pack a good wallop, waited for 3 hours. The pack didn't seem to swelling much but I went on and made my DME starter anyway. Open the package, pour in the yeast... and out comes the nutritient bag completely intact! A sign from above that some gym work is needed? Well, opened the damn pack and threw it into the starter, thinking that it should do its trick there anyway. The starter has been sitting on my book shelf for over 24 hours now and no signs of activity whatsoever. Makes me paranoid also about whether the wort was still a bit too hot when I added the yeast as I went by the ear and didn't take the temp. According to internet sources there might not be a cause for alarm until 48 hours have expired, so we'll see... If things end up going a**e over t*t I'll resort to dry yeast.