Using Gelatine to clear

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Feb 26, 2009
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Hi all have been told I can use gelatine to clear an Ipa thats refusing to clear, How do I do this as I have some Leaf gelatine that I can use. The length is 23 ltr and is kept cool if it makes a difference. Oh and to all that know about my pause in build my Ag kit it's moving again as the hlt and boiler will arrive next week just need elements then! Watch out!!!
Gelatine is the only finings that I use :thumb:
I use the granules in a sachet, take about a pint of the ale to be cleared and put it in a small saucepan, turn on the heat, add the gelatine stirring constantly until the gelatine dissolves, do not allow the mixture to boil as this will destroy its fining abilities :(
Slowly add the beer/gelatine mix to the bulk of the brew stirring gently :thumb:
Cheers TS, It'll be done first thing in the morning adapting from packets to sheets is easy as it's written on my instructions!
I use the Super Cook one from Supermarkets. Its cheap and works every time for me. :thumb: Put it dry into a Glass Jug and let it soak in 100 ls of warm water for 15 mins then add hot water.(not boiling). Then add half a pint of wort OK and then mix with wort in FV.
Gelatine is great finings, but if you add to the beer too close to bottling and the gelatine gets into the bottles you can end up with 'fluffy bottoms' as Dennis Wheeler calls them in his real ale book, where the beer is crystal clear in the bottle but as soon as you move the bottle the fluffy sediment rises up in clouds and undoes the good work done so far. If clear beer is a concern then maybe let it settle out bright in the FV and on bottling, inoculate with a small amount of yeast, maybe a granule per bottle, to give some live cells to enable carbonation in the bottle. If you are kegging, on the other hand, no problems.
tubby_shaw said:
Gelatine is the only finings that I use :thumb:
I use the granules in a sachet, take about a pint of the ale to be cleared and put it in a small saucepan, turn on the heat, add the gelatine stirring constantly until the gelatine dissolves, do not allow the mixture to boil as this will destroy its fining abilities :(
Slowly add the beer/gelatine mix to the bulk of the brew stirring gently :thumb:

Gee_zuss no way I'd be heating ale and adding it back. Here's my method 200ml water 2 teaspoons of gelatine, mix and leave for 5 min to rehydrate, stir again and put into the microwave for 15 min on 20% power setting. This should maintain a temp around 80°C to pasteurise. If kegging add the mixture to the keg then rack the beer into the keg, for bottling add to the fermenter pouring over the surface, bring the temp down over a couple of days to 2°C, sediment will settle out with yeast, nice and clear then for bottling.

Well I did it, it has made the ipa clearer but not crystal clear won't be feck testing it! Either way is the same apart from one you add water the other just uses the beer as long as it reaches 80 degrees who cares!
I have a simillar problem with an IPA, however I have used dry beer enzymes to increase ABV and sharpen the IPA up a little. I intend to bottle, so will the gelatine drop out the dry beer enymes leaving me with no ability to charge the bottles?