Using a Corny with an ale kit

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Oct 9, 2011
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I'm upgrading to a corny setup in a couple of weeks and want to know if it's possible to use with an ale kit eg woodfordes Wherry. If so what is the procedure for carbonating? May seem a silly question but it will be my first time using a corny. Cheers guys
Brew beer as normal in the FV, leave it in the FV for 2 weeks.

Rack the beer from the FV into the corny. The corny only holds 19 Litres so you will either have some beer left over you can bottle, or brew the kit shorter (add less water to make it up to 20L) than normal, which will make it a little stronger and tastier.

Once in the corny you will need to force carbonate, there are a number of different ways dependant on how quick you want it ready, but given the time it takes Wherry to clear you have some time.

Connect the corny up to the gas and pressurise it to 10 psi and leave it connected to the gas. Try and maintain a constant temp of around 12 C for the beer. After about a week it should be carbonated to a reasonable level. Expect the first pint to be cloudy as the corny pulls beer from the bottom.
Cheers Steve. So basically the only difference to lager is the PSI at which it's force carbonated and the temp?