Username and Avatar.

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My name us from the very little french I managed to retain from school and the Avatar, well that is self explainatory :)
Username is from one of my favourite toys - a 1978 VW campervan, with a Porsche 911 engine,
Avatar is one of my hounds. She's a bit stupid, and it makes me laugh just to look at her!
Mine is pretty self explanatory, I live in Cheshire and I make homebrew

Havent done an avatar yet but I will get round to it
Notlaw is my surname spelled backwards.

I love Star Wars, I was brought up with it. Saw that picture of Darth Vader smoking a bifter and just liked it... even though I quit smoking a good few years back now.
My name is Si (short for Simon) and I am a supporter of a certain East London Association Football team
I usually use my nickname...Chug, but the forum signup said it was not available, I assumed as Americans say' to chug a beer' that someone had already taken it.

I like making grog better than you can buy in the shops for cheaper than the shops so I settled on cheapbrew
I use tapatalk to connect to various other forums, many of which are my other passion of reef tanks. My avatar seems to be set the same across all forums 😀

Edit: or maybe not as i dont see my avatar LOL

Edit2 : fixed [emoji1]
Nickname from years ago. Avatar is the old badge of the team I have been inflicted with.
My muddle name is Herbert, so Herb became my nickname at uni.

My avatar is my favourite pint, Kirkstall Brewery's Black Band Porter. Bit pixelated as my phone didn't reduce the size very well.
Old thread bumped for the numerous new members that have joined since February.
i haven't done an avatar just yet but when I do, its likely to be something cat related, like a paw print or similar as my other pastimes always seems to involve the mad boy cat I've had since he was a kitten - murphy - which explains the user name too! He was so named after Murphy's Law - following a new off white carpet and a kitten throwing up for the first time, scaring himself by doing so, smashing a vase whilst trying to run away from himself 'cos he was scared, me being bare footed at the time and ending up in a&e with a foot full of glass splinters and coming home to find said 'murphy' has decided to find the safest place was on top of the kitchen wall units, which has now got scratches own the front, oh yes and the final act of the day - we use to have a false ceiling in the kitchen ..................................... honestly it was like a scene from the worst sitcom ever but I wouldn't be without him no matter how strange that must sound!!!!!!!
My name is Jas and I'm quite big, it has been my nickname for years.

My Avatar is me pouring my first pint of home brew (Youngs AAA) in the bar/pub I built in my lounge. Building the bar is what got me in to home brewing as I have a beer engine and nothing to put through it. So far it has pumped 40 pints of Youngs AAA and last Saturday night it pumped 30 pints of Golden Stag.
