tweaking a wherry with ginger?

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New Member
Nov 13, 2013
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Seeing as the wherry is my favourite kit so far I would like to do another but with a ginger flavour. So, assuming I use root ginger, what's the best way to prepare it? and when is the best time to add it? and how much should I use?
I'm guessing I need to add it from the start but have no idea how to use it. Do I slice a noggin up and throw it in dry or liquidise it in water or just throw a lump in?

Thanks, .
I would be inclined to blitz it in the processor and put it in the brew, its all about surface area in contact with the brew.

I'm sure that beer works the same way as wine in the respect that late additions in wines when there is some alcohol already developed tends to bring out the flavours of those additions. On that basis I'd let the beer brew until at least the krausen has subsided then put your ginger in. As this is an experiment, it might be useful to take an SG reading at the point of pitching the ginger if you want to repeat the experiment.

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