Tubthumpers Oatmeal stout +

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Aug 24, 2009
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think I am gonna try this out what do you guy think

Fermentable Colour lb: oz Grams Ratio
Pale Malt 5 EBC 13 lbs. 3.6 oz 6000 grams 63.2%
Flaked Oats 0 EBC 4 lbs. 6.5 oz 2000 grams 21.1%
Flaked Barley 0 EBC 2 lbs. 3.3 oz 1000 grams 10.5%
Roasted Barley 1350 EBC 1 lbs. 1.6 oz 500 grams 5.3%

Hop Variety Type Alpha Time lb: oz grams Ratio
Fuggle Whole 4.9 % 90 mins 0 lbs. 3.5 oz 100 grams 90.9%
Northdown Whole 8.3 % 15 mins 0 lbs. 0.4 oz 10 grams 9.1%

Final Volume: 25 Litres
Original Gravity: 1.075
Final Gravity: 1.020
Alcohol Content: 7.2% ABV
Total Liquor: 40 Litres
Mash Liquor: 23.8 Litres
Mash Efficiency: 75 %
Bitterness: 41.7389757201623 EBU
Colour: 212 EBC
was going to do a beta-glucanase rest at 43-49 C for 30 mins then a normal 66-71 C for rest of mash so thats a 2 hour mash total and sparge as normal.

I am aim to try this tommorow so if anyone thinks thay can improve it in any way except removing the oats I will be thankfull

this comes from an idea in nov 2007 copy of brew magazine and a question in the help me Mr Wizzard section regarding a high fiber beer
That'll be full of body TT, sounds nice and chewy :D
Top of my list is an oatmeal stout, despite being a stout lover, I've never used oats
Hope your doing a pic report :thumb:
My local HB shop is trying to get me some bullion hops for an old guinness extra clone recipe, but if they can't get them it'll be substituted with northdown.

Look forward to the pics :thumb:
the only reason I am using fuggles and northdown is cos that was what I grew this year and want to use them up as I couldnt vacume them so just expelled as mush air as possible and put them in the freezer.
and for bittering they should be ok but aroma will have to wait and see
now underway pics will follow
added some cooked rice to it as kids left it and seemed a shame to waste it

so 6kg pale
2 kg porridge oats roasted at 160-180C for 1 hour
1kg flaked wheat
and 500 roast barley

not sure if I can call it a stout though now
will see what it tastes like when all is done
the mashtun grain stopper ( also used as a hop stoper )

wanted a false bottom but on phettebes suggestion used a stainless hose from a tap conector striped

The Oats

cooking the oats 160-180C or 1hour

just cleaned the oven door after seeing the pic

heated strike water adding 5.2

doughing in took ages and lost about 20C in the process so added 2 kettles of boiling water to get a 63C mash temp.
will try a different method next time as I cant find why I loose so much temp as I dough in , Maybee I will use a hotter strike temp in the future
now in the fermenter wel the first one is only manged to get 15ltrs of it out the boiler but its 1.086 :shock:
have used safwhatever its called 04 yeast
got it down to 30C and knew as I emptied the boiler into fermenter it would go down to mid 20's so when was in fermenter pitched the yeast and gave it a good stir so will wait and see what I get in the end, may have to water this down with the second brew if thats not to strong or else look for some other idea cos I think it would need a year maturation and I cant wait that long .
pictures to follow
I noticed Barry uses braided hose, do you not get any problems with it compressing with the weight of the grains TT.

I use it as a hop filter and have a spare length of it from an ebay shop, might give it a whirl
cant belive it its started fermenting about an hour after pitching must be due to adding the old yeast in the boiler .
or is it that the yeast likes high gravity worts , or just the yeast at correct emp and good rouse with plenty of air in solution?
ok second batch is cooling now and is at 34c ish and got a reading of 1.046 works out to be 1.05something or other

so thats gonna be a decent brew on its own .

Now what I am thinking of is if I add these 2 together I get 1.073 again a good strong brew
its the 1.098 thats waorrying me as its a barley wine and I allways find them too sweet and 9 or 10% doesnt sit well with me but a 8% well thats not too bad
what do you guys think

15ltrs barley wine
12ltrs session stout

28ltrs strong stout

or a mixture say
10 session

10 strong and

8 barleywine

ideas please
the braided hose I wont use again in a mash tun as it was compressed or should say stretched thin near the end and made the run off quite slow.
am going to make what mark1964 suggested a hinged cutting board false bottom for the 40ltr coleman mash tun and will find a plate for the other 25ltr mash tun .
will have to get the smaller mashtun coated in timber as it loses too much heat as the insulation jacket get really warm when I take it all apart and the coleman walls dont even feel warm just a few spots on the lid which I will sort out now I know where they are.

just got to find some stainless piano hinge that is right price (not paying £34 for one when I can get muddy to make one for not a lot more ,and better to boot)
Argh the lower gravity part has stoped fermenting and the higher one is still bubbling , just hope the fermenter is loose and gas getting out another way too soon to as took a long time to start and not right ( temp is ok )
willtake reading later on and see wher we are , Lots of yeast at the bottom of the high gavity one so lots to reclaim for next brews.

ok checked gravitys

high one is 1.022 giving 8.5% and tastes a bit like a winter warmer nicewarmth in chest when dunk
lower one 1.016 giving 4.2% and tastes week and thin like all the comercial stuff

I think think some bottles of the high gravity but the rest mixed together

so far a result now need to waith for the high gravity one to finish fermenting than a bit of conditioning