Tribute Brew - recipe please

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Jul 16, 2009
Reaction score
Near Leeds

I am brewing again tomorrow.....a tribute to my dear friend Wiggy, who passed away last week at far too young an age. This one is for you :thumb:

My inventory is as follows:
Pale Malt MO - 8kg
Chocolate Malt - 1kg
Torrefied Wheat - plenty
Black malt - 60g
Crystal Malt - 800g

Hops - plenty 'nuff Fuggles, EK Goldings and Styrian Goldings.

I'd like the brew length to be around 36 litres.

I'm still getting to grips with grain bill formulations and Beersmith stuff, so I'd be grateful if one of the more experienced on the forum could knock up a quick suggestion for me.
I like a hoppy beer.....but I'm open to anything really.

For back up, I have identified a few possible recipes from Wheelers book...which I am presuming I can just scale up for my desired brew length?

Thanks in advance.
Well, the HLT is on.

The brew will be:
Pale Malt 6746g
Crystal Malt 665g
Start of boil 42.5g fuggles, 42.5g goldings
Last 10 - 28.25g goldings
Thanks guys :D

The brew ended up being:

Pale Malt (MO) 6950g
Crystal Malt 420g
Chocolate Malt 50g

I thought I was short of Crystal, so jigged about a little with some Chocolate....turns out after the mash I have plenty more Crystal :oops:

Just about to throw the 10 min hops in.


Edit - no probs with HLT this time highwayman :D
Cheers highwayman, Wiggy would have been well chuffed.....collected 36 litres post boil at an OG of 1048 :D
I seemed to get an appreciable cold break this too........lots of nastyness in the bottom of the boiler this time.
