Totally Tutty Fruity Cider

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May 17, 2012
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Ok this one is a bit extreme and nothing like a traditional cider, but it's VERY refreshing and I'm enjoying supping on a pint of it right now.

I can't be sure of exactly what I did as it was just a "messing around" experiment but I'm fairly certain I have the jist of it.


1L Asda Exotic Juice Drink
1L Asda Five Fruits Citrus Drink
3L Asda Smart Price Apple Juice
1/2 tsp Tannin
1tsp Pectolase
1tsp Nutrient
1tsp Yeast

Nothing at all complicated with this one. Just dump all the fruit juices into the DJ (Keep 1L of the apple to the side for topping up). Add the tannin, pectolase and nutrient then give a good shake. Check the temp, if OK add the yeast, give it 5 mins then give a gentle shake again. Airlock it off, sit it around 20 degrees and let it do its thing.

I gave mine around 3 months maturing. I did try a bottle 2 months back and it was too sharp for my liking. I have it in my head I added malic acid though, definitely don't do that with this cider.

It's a very dry cider with a very fruity, almost sweet, tone to it. Very much the dry/sweet thing you get with good ciders. If you don't like your cider bone dry then I would add around 1tsp of splenda per bottle (9 tsp total) while transferring to secondary (to allow all the flavours to blend properly). If you like it sweeter still, then just add to your taste. I wouldn't go past 1 per bottle for the initial trial though.

Anyway, it turns out luvvly and crystal clear without any finings etc etc.

I primed with 5g per pint (I got 8 pints so 40g sugar) and gave it 2 weeks in the warm, 3 months cool.

Bingo bango.

Cheers :cheers:
Going by the ingredients I used you should see an OG of 1.049 and an FG of 0.999 which will be around 6.5%. Not too shabby.
Think I'll try this one soon. Been looking for fruity cider ideas a bit different from the norm :thumb:
Steve said:
Think I'll try this one soon. Been looking for fruity cider ideas a bit different from the norm :thumb:

It's very tangy indeed. I'm definitely going to give it another go with 9tsp of splenda. I think a slight sweetness to it would make it really fantastic. The womenfolk would definitely love it sweet :D

Let me know how you get on with it :)
My blueberry TC was finished so bottled it today. Finished at 0.994 and doesn't taste of blueberry much but I'll give it time to see how it turns out.

Anyway this meant I had an empty DJ so decided to make this and after the results of the aforementioned cider I took your suggestion of adding a bit of splenda to make it more appealing to the sweeter drinkers.

Looking forward to tasting this :thumb:.