Too much water in my wort!!

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New Member
Feb 5, 2009
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I just made my second extract brew. It is a belgium pilsner. I Threw out the instructions because everyone says they are crap and....they were in french.

It's now in the fermenting bucket and I just found out it was designed for 20 litres and I made it with 25 litres of water The OG was 1.030 which doesn't seem right! Fermentation has begun

Is it going to taste like p*ss (bud light)?

anyway of strengthening it up a bit?? Someone suggested adding soe more sugar but I don't know how much/or even if it is a good idea? Sone else said add spraymalt to liven it up, and maybe dry hop later down the line to add some additional flavour. Again would this work?

Thanks in advance!
I've never used spraymalt to strengthen up a brew but iirc somebody mentioned that 1kg adds somewhere in the region of 15 gravity points. I definitely recommend putting something in there to give it an extra kick. Somebody with more experience in this will be along soon to advise you correctly ;)
Thanks mate,
im not too worried about alc vol but want it to a pilsner! Do you know anything about saaz pellets? Think that might help?
You can dry hop but that won't add any flavour, it only adds aroma. Personally i'd be more worried about how low in alcohol it's going to be if you don't add some kind of sugar. To add flavour you might be able to hop some water and add that to your beer but again i don't know much about this procedure. Hang tight somebody will sort this for ya ;)