I put on my second brew on Monday (2 tin summer ale kit) and stupidly went through the motions when I should have stopped and thought.
- Both tins were warmed thoroughly and put in fv followed by 3 litres of boiling water - Stirred
- topped up from height with about 19 litlres of room temperature bottled water - Stirred
- OG reading was taken and only notched up 1010 (now this is the first ever reading that I have taken so I am severely hoping that I misread it, it was double checked though. Stupidly as I was in a rush, I bunged in the yeast and sealed the lid and left it.
Now I'm really worried that I have screwed this batch up totally from the start. The brew is bubbling away at a nice 21-22 degrees (snugly wrapped in thick offcuts of carpet).
Now I have to open her up after a week to chuck in the hop pellets, should I give it another heafty stir beforehand or just go with another gravity reading?
I mean 1010 is what it should end up at surely? I think I will check the reading of boiled water tonight to see what it reads but I am still concerned that I have messed up somewhere :wha:
- Both tins were warmed thoroughly and put in fv followed by 3 litres of boiling water - Stirred
- topped up from height with about 19 litlres of room temperature bottled water - Stirred
- OG reading was taken and only notched up 1010 (now this is the first ever reading that I have taken so I am severely hoping that I misread it, it was double checked though. Stupidly as I was in a rush, I bunged in the yeast and sealed the lid and left it.
Now I'm really worried that I have screwed this batch up totally from the start. The brew is bubbling away at a nice 21-22 degrees (snugly wrapped in thick offcuts of carpet).
Now I have to open her up after a week to chuck in the hop pellets, should I give it another heafty stir beforehand or just go with another gravity reading?
I mean 1010 is what it should end up at surely? I think I will check the reading of boiled water tonight to see what it reads but I am still concerned that I have messed up somewhere :wha: