too efficient

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Active Member
Oct 7, 2008
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I tried cocker hoop last night thanks to highwayman sharing the recipe .The problem was i seemed to have a higher mash efficiency and ended up with the dilemma of what to change i had banked on a brew lenght of 23 litres at 4.5% alcohol strenght if i wanted to keep to the exact brew lenght i would have ended up with a 5.7% beer if i kept to 4.5% i would have ended up with 30litres of brew lenght and this i guess would have diluted the hop taste . in the end i settled for 27litres at 5% .What do other people think was this the lesser of two evils have i completely changed the character of the intended clone
I hate it when that happens. I'd have done the same as you and gone the compromise route, hopefully although not a clone strength-wise you'll still be able to do a comparison :thumb:
Well I check the gravity once I've finished sparging and adjust the hopping based on what I get out . . . SO if I get a super efficient sparge, and have to dilute down I adjust the hops up to compensate . . . If I have to shorten the brew length then I reduce the hops accordingly . . . Another reason for splitting the bittering hops into a FWH and a '90' minute addition . . . you just change the 90 minute one
Yes thats a good idea i dont tend to check the gravity at this stage i think what fooled me was it was the first time i tried this recipe and i didnot check the recipes mash eff against my own.
I am interested in the effect on taste by upping the alcohol content rather than diluting the hop schedule