let's wait and see and then if things go wrong you can wear your "I told you so" T shirt and gloat here
This seems to be based on the way they used to try women accused of witchcraft.
The Titanic is approaching an iceberg. A minority of the crew and passengers want emergency action to turn the ship regardless of the fact that this might spill a few gin-and-tonics; the majority do not want to disrupt their thus-far pleasant and luxurious cruise. What happens? They have a vote and the majority win. The minority issue dire warnings and try to get the majority to see sense. The majority tell them to stop bleating and wait and see how it works out; if they (the majority) were wrong and the ship actually hits the iceberg, then they’ll apologise and allow the minority to gloat.
I do not remove posts because i don't like them and resent the accusation but I do remove them if they break the rules so I assume in this instance you posted about brexit when you knew its discussion had been banned.
What I wrote was not intrinsically about Brexit. If you had taken the trouble to read and understand what I wrote you would have realised that it was about democracy and about the potentially calamitous effect on the entire future of the human race if, in the present circumstances, people are allowed to get away with playing fast and loose with democracy. It was set within a context of Brexit because that happens to be the context within which we currently exist and within which a threat to democracy and a threat to the future survival of Homo sapiens has arisen. Insofar as it is possible to make predictions there was an explanation in what I wrote in the post.
Many people seem to believe that democracy is the ultimate and most perfect way of running a society and that a democratic government is the optimal government. This is a belief which I do not share, but given that at present we have a democracy of sorts then it seems to me that democratic principles must be followed. If they are not then the whole thing is nonsense. If people play fast and loose with democratic principles or are selective about which democratic principles they will follow and which they will ignore according to how it suits their own purpose, and they are allowed to get away with so doing, there is no point having a democracy because it ceases to be a democracy.
I do happen to believe that the future survival of Homo sapiens is important, but regrettably most people behave as though they do not believe this. I am fully willing to accept that I may be part of a very small minority in my belief, but I do not accept that I am wrong.
As a slight aside but in the same vein, something similar can be said about the principle of the truth being told by politicians. It is wholly acceptable for a politician to lie when national security is involved, for example in wartime in order to deceive an enemy. It is not acceptable at all for a politician to lie to the public in order to attempt to secure their (democratic) votes in order to get himself into office. In the recent general election it seems that this is precisely what has happened. Regardless of party affiliations it seems that the leadership of both main parties (and possibly others) have abandoned any concept of being honest with the electorate and have told lies wholesale and have made promises which any reasonable analysis shows are impossible to keep, and there can be no reasonable doubt that the leadership of both main parties knew that they were telling lies and making promises which could not be kept. To me this is an assault, albeit indirect, on democracy.
Perhaps the most dispiriting thing is that the public were taken in by it.
For the record, I do not support any of the main political parties.
Some other mindless comments are not worthy of response.
I have other and more important things to do with my time than continue this discussion on this forum; I shall therefore discontinue this particular topic in the absence of exceptional circumstances.