To brew, or not to brew? That is the question

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Mar 31, 2009
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Many might consider it to be a bloody stupid question.

So I haven't brewed (properly) for over a year and I'm struggling to remember what to do, but I've got my new burner set up and ready to go. This means I can boil outdoors without getting moaned at by wife & daughter about the smell. But if it's likely to be snowing or persisting down, do I want to brew outdoors?

My 30 litre FV is currently serving as a heated water bath to a 15 litre WOW, but that might be ready for racking (I'll check the SG later) or I've got a couple of 25s.

If the weather's 'orrible then I suppose I could set up at the top of the garden behind the workshop, where there's a polycarbonate lean-to shelter, but that would mean I would have to spend some time shifting or sorting stuff which “might come in useful one day”.

I've got grain. It's over a year old but has been stored down the cellar, cool and dark and triple-wrapped against the damp, so I hope it should be ok.

I've got Challenger, First Gold, EKG, Progress and Pilgrim.
I've got Aurora and another Styrian called Celeia.
I've got Cascade, Summit and Warrior, and a few NZ Pacifica.

I've only got English ale yeast (Nottingham).

What do you lot reckon I should do?
Hi Moley,

Firstly I'd just go for a recipe that you make up.

I do that regularly now and I've not done a beer that I've not liked using this method.

Personally I'd go for all the citrus hops you have and whack 'em in late, using Challenger as a bittering hop.

But that's my preference nowadays (as you'll discover when you crack that bottle open.

Let us know what you decide to do mate.

You need another little mod to your burner build.

Those windbreak panels - you need one with a removable piece such that if it is chilly you can open it and warm your... erm... cockles while you brew! Sorted! Gerrabrewon! :thumb:
Green Ninja said:
Personally I'd go for all the citrus hops you have and whack 'em in late, using Challenger as a bittering hop.

But that's my preference nowadays (as you'll discover when you crack that bottle open).
To explain to others, Terry lives just around the corner from me and gave me a bottle of his latest brew just before Christmas. It's still down the cellar at the moment as it was very young and still a little hazy.

Yes Terry, I'm enjoying the citrus notes myself at the moment and was thinking about Summit + Cascade.
But with a Nottingham yeast? :hmm:
What are you using?
My stock yeast for APA's is S-05 but last time I brewed (last weekend - Hop Back Summer Lightening) I used S-04 as it was the only yeast left.

I must order some more S-05.

Correction - I used S33 I believe it's called. A so called high alcohol yeast so God knows what the HBSL will turn out like.

Who knows, I may have brewed the best beer ever!
Do it!

If you need to use up your ingredients you could do a throw-everying-in-to-use-it-up style recipe. Sounds like you could have an uber hoppy IPA on your hands.

and yeah, if its raining just brew inside & put up with it!
Green Ninja said:
My stock yeast for APA's is S-05 but last time I brewed (last weekend - Hop Back Summer Lightening) I used S-04 as it was the only yeast left.

I must order some more S-05.

Correction - I used S33 I believe it's called. A so called high alcohol yeast so God knows what the HBSL will turn out like.

Who knows, I may have brewed the best beer ever!

If you want to come over to Solihull, I have just washed a load of First Gen SO-5. Your more than welcome to some jars. I will be brewing Sat AM
what you need is room in your shed with door open and a radio plus a seat , around 50% of my time brewing it has been raining , you could get a gazebo with a couple of sides (around £20/30 from asada the last time i looked) i would do a single hop grain brew as its first time with new equipment
pittsy said:
you could get a gazebo with a couple of sides
i would do a single hop grain brew as its first time with new equipment
We've got one, but it's more sheltered behind the workshop, and it's only the burner that's new, nothing else has changed.

Anyway, POETS day, I'm about to shut down and pull plugs then I'll nip up to my LHBS and see if they've got any Yankee yeasties, or a nice new bucket, etc., etc., etc.
If you do decide to make a "chuck it in and see" recipe remember to measure and record. If it's the puppy's privates you'll wanna repeat it, if not you'll have the warning label :lol:

Good luck with AG#1 (reset clock) :thumb:
Get it done. I also have to brew outside at the moment as the garage is full of stuff. Its a case of watching the weather forecast intently and making sure you have an alternative if the worst happens. I have 2 massive golf brollys that I attach to HLT, Copper and Mash tun if the heavens open.

Once SWMBO gets her arse in gear and allows me to shift some of her stuff, I can then install the brewery properly into the garage, 32 amp feed, plumbing and drainage, chilling space for conditioning of bottles and casks, wash area, extractors and fermentation cabinets..

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